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Yes Man Teaser Trailer!

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Do you like the Yes Man teaser trailer?

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Postby Analia » Thu Jul 24, 2008 8:59 pm

Finally there's a trailer! :D :D
I liked the trailer 8)
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Love the trailer....

Postby Canadian Jayne » Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:27 pm

Didn't hear sound, hope they do make it upbeat, isn't it suppose to be an upbeat movie? Sure hope I can see this when it comes out.
Ye Ha! :shock:
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Postby sprousefan23 » Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:54 pm

And now I want a red bull (it gives you wings ya know)
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Postby 123Dan123 » Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:35 pm

Watched Pineapple Express last night. The trailer was shown in front of it.
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Postby CarreyGirl » Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:00 pm

I'm sorry guys...but
What Jim says in the scene of Redbull?
He speaks very fast, and I understand only a few words! (Help a poor Italian pleaase!: _D).
Can you write anything that says?
Thanks in advance!! :D :D 8) :wink:
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Postby fluffy » Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:17 pm

he says RED BULL over and over again...........lol..........talk about advertising........lol

fluffy :lol:
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Postby CarreyGirl » Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:49 pm

I know...I understand this part!!But I not understand when says "I've the redbull..."
What you says ?? XD
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Red Bull, it was hard to understand the Red Bull thingy...

Postby Canadian Jayne » Tue Aug 26, 2008 6:14 am

for those who don't have Red bull in their country, it is a drink like
Coke or Pepsi, but it packs a real big punch due to the high vitamin(I think contact) may have caffeine in it too(not sure) I've never had it, my kids have(I think) Anyway it's suppose to give you lots and lots of energy.
It gives you a big drop though, it's like going through withdrawal.(that's what I hear)
Never tried it though, don't think I want to either.
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Postby carreypunkrawker » Tue Aug 26, 2008 6:38 pm

yeah, it tastes like sweet tarts and it gives you lots of energy. It's actually dangerous to combine with alcohol. a lot of people pass out and have to have doctor's attention when they mix it with alcohol.
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Postby grinchy steve » Tue Aug 26, 2008 8:12 pm

About the Red Bull, it's simply not true. Yes, if you drink ten of those in a short time, you will feel very "energized" ... also a bit sick, I think. ;) But one or two of them won't do a thing.
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Postby sianlee » Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:06 am

carreypunkrawker wrote:yeah, it tastes like sweet tarts and it gives you lots of energy. It's actually dangerous to combine with alcohol. a lot of people pass out and have to have doctor's attention when they mix it with alcohol.

Let me clear things up.

RED BULL, is an energy drink, like V and MOTHER. It has ALOT of caffinee in it, it's not a vitamin drink. People use it to give them a high caffinee boost so they will last through the day. It says on the can that it is recommended that you only have a maximum 2 cans a day.

I drink red bull and I love it.

By the way, there is an alcoholic drink with red bull taste in it, and has most of the stuff red bull has, it's called "Pulse". When I drink it, it tastes exactly like red bull, but contains two standard drinks per can.

There is also many other drinks you can do with red bull such as "round ups" which is rum or vodka, topped with blue curacay (cant spell that one) and then red bull as the mixer. And with shots, theres I think a yoga bomb where you have red bull in a cup, and drop a shot in there and quickly drink it.

It's not dangerous to drink like you might think, but it does get you drunk quick. You only really reliase it when you stand up, because you drink so much caffinee it keeps you away, but alcohol makes you tired. So you think you're fine then you stand up and you start swaying.

Moderate drinking is best of course.

Point is, Jims reaction to the red bull in that scene is hallarious because it's true. It does make you go like that. But in reality I'm thinking people might be trying what he does but then they might die. A case here in Australia found that someone died from over dosing on red bull. Max 2 cans a day, he had like 20 spill out didnt he? Lol.

I have had I think 5 cans in a day. Wont over dose from that though. But I had 2 once within 5 minutes and my hands were shaking where I couldnt even pick up anything otherwise I'd probebly droip it. This is coming from a person who use to drink at least a litre of coke a day everyday. I'm not a caffinee senesitive person :) :O
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Personally, I think I will steer clear of the

Postby Canadian Jayne » Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:29 am

Red Bull.....OLay! (as I flicker my cape)
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I got side tracked by the Red Bull......

Postby Canadian Jayne » Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:34 am

but what I wanted to say a few days ago was...
I finally was able to hear the sound...
Trailer is much better with sound..
I really believe this is going to be a hit.
Glad it's coming out in a few months.
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You know what would be a really funny advertising for the...

Postby Canadian Jayne » Fri Aug 29, 2008 7:10 am

red Bull Drink... also give your imput...
You see someone start to(perhaps a girl) drinking the Red Bull, suddenly
she starts to change from herself into the red bull, you start to see what she sees through the eyes of a bull with red eyes, the transition is in slow motion as she morphs in and out of the Red Bull guise, suddenlyas she changes, guys start to move out of her way as they see her eyes almost in terror they disperse on a Campus, the guys are all fleeing, until she sees another guy on campus drinking a Red Bull, she looks at him fetchingly then we see the guy morping in and out of red bull suddenly you see the two converging like stampeeding buffalo almost in a DNA like path, crossing each others path yet not colliding finally they meet at the end of the campus road exhausted, completely sweat soaked, looking at each other proclaiming together "Olay"! It would have to be tasteful and artistic, I wonder if it would work?
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