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A special message for Jim Carrey

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A special message for Jim Carrey

Postby Filomena » Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:08 am

Dear Jim:

You're doing a great job, sticking up for something you believe in. But I'd like to throw something at you.

Since the Burma situation is something that is close to your heart, and now, in our hearts too, can you use your celebrity power to go that extra step?

It's great that you brought awareness to the traumatic events that are happening to these people. But it's time to do more. Perhaps with the help of your celebrity friends, you can organize some kind of event (a telethon or something similar?) that gets ordinary people involved to actually do something to help out.

What do these people need? Can someone tell us? Medical supplies? Doctors? Water? Food? Shelter?

We can't send an army, or impose sanctions, but we have something that politicians rarely use -- love and good will.

It might not stop the fighting, nor will it free anyone from house arrest. We'll leave that up to the Big Boys in the White House. But we can certainly use the power of oneness to help the ordinary citizen who is a victim of ego, terror and trauma.

Let us know.

Your fan in spirit and heart,
The truth shall set you free.
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Postby sprousefan23 » Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:12 am

Good idea.
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Postby woweeee » Fri Oct 12, 2007 9:52 pm

great letter....Jim will definatly read it sooner then later. :)
When once asked what I would do if I met Jim I said that I would give him so many hugs because he is so damn HOT and then I would tell him to get married. Response, "he is hot, but...nevermind."
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Postby lammy » Sun Oct 21, 2007 10:43 pm


I thought that was sweet . :oops:

I want to tell him this ...

Dear Jim ,

I want you more now that I found that your soul is calling for me .

:shock: :D
Bah hum bug!!!!
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