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Me Time............our version............lol

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Me Time............our version............lol

Postby fluffy » Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:37 pm

Jim plays Clive(38).Essentially a lazy, reluctant husband, father of 2 and wannabee book writer. Fired from his lousy journalist job due to his lazy ways he decides to try his hand at writing a book based on his grandads diaries......

Alice(37) is his long sufferring wife....a busy mother and business woman she's the backbone of the family. Her main weakness is Clive.
Accidentally pregnant with their third child she faces working right up to the birth to support her husbands dream.
Exhausted and stressed she soldiers on until a bleed leaves her bedridden under Dr's orders.

Finding himself running the home whilst following his dream Clive realises how hard his grandads life was......and how his life has been charmed to date.......



Kettle boils, toast pops up.......Alice runs past clutching papers before putting them in a briefcase. Clive sits buttering toast. Two children -Charlie(8), Robby(10) squabble over the cereal.

Alice-: Did you remember to pay the insurance honey?

Clive :awe geez, i knew there was something..........

Alice : Clive!, i ask you to do one thing , just one......do i have to do everything myself?.......It's not fair it's just not! I have to do everythi.....

Clive sidles up to her wraps his arms round her waist, kisses her neck and nuzzles ......

Clive: Shhh.....you shouldn't get yourself so uptight , you gotta look after yourself, i'll take care of it........

he pats her tummy......
A teary Alice nuzzles against him......

Alice: I'm sorry hon, it's just i'm so tired and i have so much work to do......

behind them Charlie is pinging cheerios at Robby who tries to catch them in his mouth. Both are oblivious to Alices distress.

Clive : Shh.......shh.......it's just your hormones screaming at you......this little ones gonna be a girl, i can feel it......she's gonna be a livewire......

Alice's tears have dried, the kids grab their bags and run out. Charlie has cheerios up his nose and Robby has packed his cheeks with bread to look like a hamster.

Clive grabs his jacket and case, kisses Alice on the forehead.........

Clive:gotta go, see you later hon

Alice: remember the insura.................

the door slams........Alice is left in the chaos of the kitchen................



FLUFFY :lol: :lol: :lol:
Last edited by fluffy on Thu May 03, 2007 12:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby fluffy » Tue Apr 24, 2007 7:58 pm

9AM.......Redwood Reporter office........

FRANK-where's that lazy bum Clive?......Tell him to get his ass into my office as soon as he hits his desk. I've got a paper to get out .

Slamming the door behind him the grumpy editor retreats back into his office.

BILL-(to colleague) Clive's gonna get it for sure, that's the third time this week he's been late...

Clive rushes in, coffee in hand looking sheepishly dishevelled.....

BILL- Frank's baying for your blood.

CLIVE- Oh Frank's ok, his bark is worse than his bite........i'll get my pep talk, he's all blah blah blah........lol........

switiching on his PC he looks at the lost and found notices he has to turn into copy .

Clive mutters to himself........'3 legged daschund lost in mall'........answers to Brutus, approach with care'???........what's he gonna do?......bite a toe off ??............lol...........

Looking around him to check he's in the clear Clive pulls out his grandfathers diary....and puts his feet on the desk.....he starts to open the book instead of working.....


CLIVE- here we go.......winks at Bill

Plonks himself in chair in front of Franks desk.........

CLIVE-Listen, i know what you're gonna say, it won't happen again....Alice is pregnant and the kids are crazy in the morning...and the traffic is nuts........did you catch that jam?......
yeah, well it won't happen again................

FRANK- Time after time Clive......you've had warning after warning...the boss is busting my ass now..........i got no choice man.......

CLIVE - whadya mean Frank?.......it won't happen again!

FRANK-shakes head.......too late Clive, it's outa my hands now...............i got no choice.......i'll need you to hand in your id at the door.......

CLIVE.....fired!!!!..........you're firing me!!!?.....but Alice is pregnant!.........i need this job!.........

FRANK- sorry man........i gave you all the chances i could......the deal is you're just to friggin lazy for this office..........your'e late and slow and too laid back..
Truth is you're not cut out for reporting.........go home to Alice.....talk, ......
change your plans man.........you're outa here......Lesley(security) will see you out.

CLIVE- visibly shocked........you're a f*cker Frank......go screw yourself......
Clive storms out and grabs a box from beside the photocopier then fills it with his personal effects....shadowed by man mountain Lesley.

BILL- hey sorry to hear,Clive, whatya gonna do now?.....

CLIVE- i'm good , don't worry about me.....i'm gonna do what everyone wanted me to do ages ago but Frank begged me to stay.....i'm gonna write that bestseller i've been meaning to do......you take care, enjoy your obituaries.....losers!

head held high Clive struts out of the office then finds himself on the sidewalk, it's pouring rain.


FLUFFY :lol:
Last edited by fluffy on Tue Aug 21, 2007 7:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby fluffy » Tue Apr 24, 2007 8:52 pm

lol...........don't worry folks........that's just the intro..............it's gonna get v cheeky and naughty.......lol...... :wink: .......you'll soon see........lol

fluffy :wink: :lol:
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Postby cotton » Wed Apr 25, 2007 12:32 am

This is site is dead today. I think everybody is having their own "me time" away from their comps.
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Postby Not_Impulsive » Wed May 02, 2007 4:51 pm

Hi, and we can add the lines too?
If yes - I'm in. It's better than a bookclub, 'cause I didn't find a book, so we'll just write one. ))
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Postby fluffy » Wed May 02, 2007 9:31 pm

of course..........lol..........

fluffy :lol:
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Postby fluffy » Wed May 02, 2007 11:54 pm


Alice is pacing the kitchen, Clive sitting at the table..........both noticeable distressed.....

ALICE- 'What the hell were you thinking?........i just can't believe you did that!..............phone them and tell them you're sorry and you'll be in tommorrow!.......for Christ's sake!.......

CLIVE- It's gonna be ok....i've got other things in the pipeline, bigger stuff, we'll be ok hon......you'll see.......don't get upset, it's not good for the baby!

ALICE- THE BABY!!!........so you've remembered i'm pregnant! How noble of you.......now get on that friggin phone and beg if you have to!

CLIVE- I can't.....

ALICE- Yes you can!- (dials and hands Clive the phone )

Clive clutches the ringing phone to his ear weakly then replaces the handset when Frank answers......

CLIVE- I can't.......(small voice)........i've been fired......

he grabs his bag and heads for the door......Alice watches dumbstruck.



Clive sits at the bar nursing a beer, the bar is dead, the Television is on. Bored, but not yet ready to go home he rummages in his bag for something to read. The only unread material is the diary......he pulls it out and continues where he left off.........

GRANDFATHER V/O- 23rd August 1925

Dear Diary still no rain!....The dust has choked the land. If it continues i can't see a way out of this but moving. Mary says we only have enough to keep us going for the next month then she'll have to start killing the chickens.
The kids are getting fractious. Sam's trying to keep Willies spirits up by making a cart with him.....but it's hard for a 10 year old to keep his 7 year old brother amused when they've hardly eaten.

Clive signals to the bartender.....

Clive- same again.......and i'll take some of those chips.........hell, i'll take some nuts too........(back to the book)

G/F V/O- 31 August 1925

The cow's dried up now...with no milk we're gonna have to kill the old girl. Maybe we can trade her for something useful at the store.
The kid's will miss the milk though, they're skin an bones as it is.
Mary's 3 months gone now. Minister Parsons tells us if we pray, the rains will come.
God let it rain soon!

Clive checks his mobile phone, it's full of messages from Alice........the last simply says 'come home'.

Walking along the darkened street he clutches the book....and enters his house with his head up.

ALICE- (Rushes to him).....where have you been?......i've been so worried, you've never walked out on a fight before.

CLIVE- Just around.........thinking.
I'm gonna get another job hon, but it might take a little time......we'll be ok, we have that money from my mom.......we'll be ok for a while.......

-i know.......it's just with the baby and the kids and bills.......

CLIVE-(holding Alices hands) I'm gonna write Alice......i'm gonna get a new job but till then i'm gonna sort out Grandpas diaries like Mom wanted....we'll be ok......this is my chance....and you'll be working for a few months yet....it'll be ok Alice....

ALICE - not wanting to crush his enthusiasm she smiles, takes his hand, turns to go to bed and switches offthe downstairs light......


fluffy :lol:

honestly it's gonna get funny soon.........lol............grandpa has some fun and games ..........lmao :wink:
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I'm enjoying this story...

Postby Canadian Jayne » Thu May 10, 2007 11:33 pm

keep going, I couldn't make it any better. My brain isn't in creative mode
yet, will donate when I click in. Love reading this.
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Postby fluffy » Tue May 15, 2007 9:40 pm

:oops: :lol: :oops: .......thanks hon :wink:



Clive is reading the paper, kids are squabbling over breakfast, Alice is rushing around collecting papers for work.

ALICE- Remember the kids get home around 3pm, and the washing needs to be loaded and i've left a shopping list, are you sure you'll be ok?

CLIVE- (barely looking up from his paper)yeah, yeah Hon, piece of cake.

ALICE-(rolls her eyes).....ok, come on kids, get a move on we're gonna be late.

and with a backwords glance Alice and the boys leave the preoccupied Clive at the table and head outside.

Sitting at the table Clive turns on the radio and sings along softly as he relaxes. The sun streams in through the window, he smiles and stretches, chuckling to himself..

CLIVE- yeah, we're gonna do just fine....(he carries on drinking coffee, humming to himself as he reads)


Clive leaves the paper and goes up to shower....

The music in the bathroom is loud, Clive is singing clearly and dancing around in a towel. He goes into the shower and soaks his hair, soaps it up and proceeds to make a mohawk. He pee's against the shower wall.
After he rinses his hair he uses the shower head as his microphone and sings into it. A quick soap and rinse and he is done.
Stepping out of the shower he grabs a towel, dries and leaves it on the floor. Then grabs a guest towel and roughly dries his hair as he goes into the bedroom.


Sitting on the edge of the bed he proceeds to clip his toenails, they go flying in different directions. He cleans his ears and scratches his bum, then gets a 'weekend' t-shirt and jeans and puts them on. He leaves the wet towel on the bed

Downstairs he puts on the TV and channel surfs.....it's the usual morning dross and he settles on a documentary about the goldrush.
He finds it interesting for 25 minutes then stretches out on the sofa and falls asleep........


Wakes up, rubs eyes and wanders through to kitchen for food.
Opening the fridge door he pulls out pickles, ham, chicken, salad and butter and grabs the bread. Then proceeds to make a huge sandwich which he eats in the sitting room. He doesn't tidy the mess.


Bored he goes to get the shopping list..............

to be continued when i've got more time.......lol
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Postby fluffy » Tue May 15, 2007 9:44 pm

lol............just so you know the good old sex industry will play a big part in this dross.........lmao..........so it will get funny i promise......lol

fluffy :lol:
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Postby woweeee » Tue May 15, 2007 10:41 pm

wait...did Jim accually take the role of Clieve? is he going to play him?
When once asked what I would do if I met Jim I said that I would give him so many hugs because he is so damn HOT and then I would tell him to get married. Response, "he is hot, but...nevermind."
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love it

Postby babygirl_lace » Thu Jul 05, 2007 7:54 pm

Oh Fluffy I love it...how come you're not writing for real? Put your thoughts on paper girl!

If I could write as well as that---damn I would be friggin rich :)

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Postby babygirl_lace » Thu Jul 05, 2007 7:57 pm

I think he should have in this movie ---a little bit older daughter like 13-ish or something and have her be just kind of wild and not listening type of thing ya know make him have to work extra hard as the dad and deal with girly situations that could be quite comical..
he always has son's in his movies i think he needs a girl

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Postby sprousefan23 » Fri Jul 06, 2007 5:23 am

This is totally like a fan fic!! But Yeah, it's awesome! :D
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Postby jimlover » Fri Jul 06, 2007 8:15 am

Hey sorry for the interruption.But I have some good idea for fluffy and us. :D
Go to Hollywood fluff and submit this Script to the consult person.You can grab the position of Screen writer fluffy and then we will able to meet Jim through you. :lol:

You can be really really a gud screen writer, Fluffy. :D Greattttttttt Job. :D
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