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Postby robert_holik » Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:15 pm

As you know Carrey hasn't done many movies lately.... as much as he used to....
AND he wants to retire sometime he said.... of course!

I would rather have Mr. Carrey make ONE movie a year than No Movie a year!
If he makes a movie a year, we will all win =) even Jim =)

What do you think?
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Even every few...

Postby Canadian Jayne » Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:30 pm

years, I think it takes alot out of people to do soooooooooo many in even
one year, like in any job people should pace themselves, not go too
heavy or too light. Also if you pace yourself you don't have the
big high's and lows, if there is a possible plan and goals then
I think life is easier to manage although you will always have
"things come up" then you have to change the plan but
all in all I think it's important to pace, plan and flex
where able.
Sometimes a job can take your all and everything,
then you look back years later and say, Man, that was really hectic,
Why did I do that to myself? Sometimes you have to sit back,
re-evaluate what is important and necessary then go full force once
you decide.
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Postby fluffy » Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:27 pm

I wanna work him like a dog.......lol.......a movie a month plus talk shows articles, books, clothing and a range of sandwich spread....lol....as long as he's happy........ :lol: :lol:

fluffy :lol: :lol:
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Postby shamaho » Fri Feb 16, 2007 10:27 am

i'm with you, fluffy....but i would just like to see him make more personal appearances (which are all of course because of movies...!!). he's at his best when he's just being Jim. :)
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Postby fluffy » Fri Feb 16, 2007 12:47 pm

he can do those between the movies and sandwiches........lol.....

fluffy :lol:
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Postby gothichyppie » Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:37 pm

He's making less movies firstly because he can afford it and secondly, because he wants to choose projects he cares about.
Actually I find that a movie every few months is sorta too much to handle, it's much more fun to just really anticipate what is next.
Plus we always have his previous movies. 45 year old Jim may have new priorities now and I support him 100%!
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Postby cable girl » Sun Feb 18, 2007 3:43 pm

gothichyppie wrote:45 year old Jim may have new priorities now and I support him 100%!

Couldn't agree with ya more; I think he should chose to do whatever he wants to do as well! :D

Though I have to say; it would be a lot of fun if he made something like an official website and posted some messages for his fans there... Or become a member on this board! :lol: Not something I think he will ever do though; he deserves his privacy too just as much as the next person!! :) It's just that it would've been a lot of fun; that's all. :) 'Cause we foreign fans don't have that much going for ourselves with ever getting to meet him in person one day... at all! :shock: :P
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Postby fluffy » Sun Feb 18, 2007 7:19 pm

waaaaaaa!............thats true........lol

fluffy :P
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Postby Little Miss Carrey » Sat Feb 24, 2007 12:00 am

lol I hope that Jim continues to make movies for as long as he can, becasue not matter what I'll still be there to support and watch him! :D

But in a way I think it's good that he's taking a sort of break, he's giving himself time to rest while he can and I must admit I admire him for it!
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