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A funny show - Mythbusters

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A funny show - Mythbusters

Postby Yellooo » Sat Nov 18, 2006 5:54 pm

I'd like you to show you some interesting and sometimes funny videos from one science show, but first you should to know what's this.


Who are the Mythbusters? Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman are the hosts of a unique and popular television show on the Discovery cable channel. Working from a background in the special effects industry and shooting on location at effects warehouse M5 Industries, Jamie and Adam attempt to shed light on hearsay, rumour, and myth. Along the way they usually run across a little bit of science, too.

Lets see this stuff in action.

Do Pretty Girls Fart?
Mega Movie Myths
People on hellium
Beat Finger Print Security System
Cola and menthos

Have fun :wink:
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Looks very interesting...

Postby Canadian Jayne » Sat Nov 18, 2006 6:35 pm

I couldn't hear the sound, but maybe I wouldn't want to due to the
flatulent noises but I wonder???
I'm sure the results were, yes, they doo, da, doo doo.
What gets me is why are men so grossed out by the idea.
It's normal for everyone.

Is it like yawning, you see someone (or rather smell someone then you
automatically do it too?) is it catchy? Like the domino effect.
Also does flatulence give off bacteria into the air, and how far can
it's effect go??
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Postby Yellooo » Sat Nov 18, 2006 6:53 pm

Sorry for bad quality of "Do Pretty Girls Fart?". It's not publish and that was recorded in cinema.

I couldn't hear the sound

What a pity :( You couldn't hear all sound? Sorry I don't know why :shock:

If you can hear sound of next videos, watch them ;)
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Quality was OK, I just don't know how to make the

Postby Canadian Jayne » Sat Nov 18, 2006 7:06 pm

sound, I'm at the library so I don't want to mess with anything.
It's OK I try and read lips, not very good at it but I usually
get the jist of it.
The show still looks pretty good, I don't know if we get it
in Canada yet or not, my hubby may know, I'll check with him.
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Postby Niobe » Sat Nov 18, 2006 7:21 pm

I watch Mythbusters on TV! It's pretty funny....the lengths they go to to prove/disprove a myth.
I'll never forget the episode where they sealed a dead pig in a car for weeks.....til it was rank. Just to see if the most powerful cleaning products really could shift that smell!!! :-#
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Postby omnipresence » Sun Nov 19, 2006 1:52 pm

It's allright. I've watched it a couple of times. I prefer Brainiac Science Abuse
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