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Current Movie REVIEWS..

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Current Movie REVIEWS..

Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon Nov 13, 2006 6:12 pm

Herein let it be known that this posting is for movies you have recently seen.I wanted to put (scene).

I'm in the Marie Antoinette mode, just watched the movie this weekend..
has anyone seen this yet???
Amazing setting, beautiful costumery,
It was very interesting, unsure how historically correct it is.
It made me wonder did she really say....
"Let them eat cake"???
Wasn't she beheaded? The movie for me, left alot of questions.
Was that the intent??
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Postby KC8t80 » Wed Nov 15, 2006 6:38 am

ususally that tends to be the director's intent, to leave u asking questions, thus leaving certain aspects open to interpretation.

recently I went and saw Flushed Away.
compared to other Dreamwork animated films, its ranks above Sharks Tale and below Shrek. The slugs in the movie are funny and cute. As for voice acting, Hugh Jackman and Kate Winslet are great as well as Ian McKellen is supber as an evil toad (though I could never imagined Ian being in an animated movie.) but story seems be a bit lost in all the action that goes on. other than that, it is definetly worth seeing.
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Postby Pink » Wed Nov 15, 2006 11:35 pm

las movie i've seen was 'last holiday' with Queen Latifah, LL Cool J and Gerard Depardieu in a supporting role. I enjoyed it, it's a nice and occasionally funny flick that kinda gets you thinking (at least it got ME thinking :P) about life and how much we appreciate it (or we don't appreciate it). It's just a simple movie with ok acting and with Gerard Depardieu speaking a hard-to-understand english but a very...tasty french :D
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Postby trishroberts » Sun Nov 19, 2006 9:20 pm

I just got back from seeing Casino Royale....and I must say it was GREAT. I don't usually go for Bond films as such but I was curious to see if Daniel Craig could make it his own.....and o yes he really does. His acting is great, he cuts the mustard with the fight scenes, and his body amayzing. And on a personal note he has the most fantastic arse....I do hope he stays the distance so we can look on him with the same kind of affection as Sean Connery...Gawd bless you sir.
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