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In honor of halloween

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For a 2 year old maybe
A Teeny bit
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Postby fluffy » Thu Oct 19, 2006 12:35 am

we don't bother much with it in Britain :roll: ........i once did a photoshoot in a graveyard on Halloween, we had smoke machines and spotlights and candles etc..it still wasn't spooky, the dead can't hurt you....

fluffy :lol:
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Postby cotton » Thu Oct 19, 2006 12:48 am

I will post more soon. In the mean time feel free to post some halloween stories. Fact or fiction. Scary or not so scary ones are fine too.
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Postby cotton » Thu Oct 19, 2006 5:09 am

Here is a urban legend I found on the net

A young teenage girl lived at home with her mother, father and her much loved pet dog.

Being 16 years old her parents decided that she was now old enough to be left alone without a minder while they went out for the evening. Although there was some concern about leaving a young girl in a house all by herself, they knew she was sensible and would behave. And besides, she did have the pet Alsatian dog to look after her and keep her company.

The parents left for the night, leaving Emergency phone numbers and supplies for the night. The girl was thrilled to be spending her first night alone in her parents house and mainly watched TV until 11.00 rolled round.

Deciding she was tired she moved upstairs to her comfy bedroom to retire for the night. Her trusty Alsatian dog following her all the time.

After being asleep for a short time she awoke to a dripping noise coming from the bathroom. Not afraid, but curious as to what the noise was she lowered her hand down beside her bed to gain a little comfort from the Alsatian. She felt the warmth of his soft tongue as he licked her hand, showing her that he was O.K and that everything would be alright. Feeling assured she drifted off to sleep once more.

Waking once again to the sounds of the dripping tap, or whatever it was, in the bathroom she instinctively dropped her hand down to pet her dog. Once again her dog offered up the loyal companionship that only a much trusted and loved pet can, and licked her hand and she once again fell asleep.

For the last time she woke up again, that annoying noise was still going, she reached for her dog but found he wasn't there. Wondering where her parents were at this time of night (it was about 3.30am by this time) and looking for her dog she walked out into the bathroom.

A horrifying sight met her, the dog had been mutilated and was creating the dripping noise, as blood slowly fell and pooled on the floor below. Screaming she ran back through the house and attempted to call the police. The phone was dead, and she turned to suddenly see her parents also mutilated behind her. Her screams could be heard as she looked down at a note written in blood, it read:
"Humans Can Lick Too My Beautiful".

She then runs madly for the stairs only to see a black figure waiting with open arms to catch her.

Variations on this story:

The girl is baby sitting some children for the night, she walks outside to throw out the garbage. The parents have left the home pleading with the young babysitter to beware if the air sirens sound as this is warning that a criminal has escaped from the local asylum.

While throwing out the trash the siren sounds, the girl runs inside locking the doors and windows. She takes comfort from the dog licking her hand on the couch. Same ending.

Written on bathroom mirror beside dog is "Maniacs like hands".

She views long haired, insane type man under her bed when lightning flashes as she is petting him. After police arrive they find he was living in his own room in the attic.

Girl ends up being pulled under the bed by maniac and killed.
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Postby Mia » Fri Oct 20, 2006 12:23 am

:shock: Spooky story Cotton! I wish I could remember this story
my English teacher told me during Halloween at my old school.
I can't really remember all of it, but these spiders got in this girl's ears
and had babies and it was so scary and gross. I was kinda scared by
that story because I'm horrifed of spiders. :!: :shock:
Maybe I'll kind another story (complete story) to post soon. :wink:
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Postby Happygal » Fri Oct 20, 2006 5:39 am

That first story broke my heart. :cry: I mean, who would mutilate a dog like that. :( Just breaks my heart.
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Postby gothichyppie » Fri Oct 20, 2006 3:36 pm

Hey thanks for these flash videos! I have heard about some of them before because it's great to have pictures to go along. Very spooky! The best way to get thrilled on the internet is reading about those urban legends, just the possibility of them being true! *shivers* :shock:
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Postby fluffy » Mon Oct 23, 2006 4:03 pm

This happened just outside of Spooner, a little town in the northwoods of Wisconsin, and while it sounds like an Alfred Hitchcock tale, it's real!

This out-of-state traveler was on the side of the road, hitch hiking on a very dark night in the middle of a thunderstorm.

Time passed slowly and no cars went by. It was raining so hard he could hardly see his hand in front of his face.

Suddenly he saw a car moving slowly, approaching and appearing ghostlike in the rain. It slowly and silently crept toward him and stopped.

Wanting a ride real bad the guy jumped in the car and closed the door; only then did he realize that there was
nobody behind the wheel, and no sound of an engine to be heard over the rain.

Again the car crept slowly forward and the guy was terrified, too scared to think of jumping out and running. The guy saw that the car was approaching a sharp curve and, still too scared to jump out, he started to pray and
began begging for his life; he was sure the ghost car would go off the road and into a nearby lake and he would drown!

But, just before the curve, a shadowy figure appeared at the driver's window and a hand reached in and turned the steering wheel, guiding the car safely around the bend.

Then, just as silently, the hand disappeared through the
window and the hitchhiker was alone again!

Paralyzed with fear, the guy watched the hand reappear every time they reached a curve. Finally the guy, scared to near death, had all he could take and jumped out of the car and ran as fast as he could into town.

Wet and in shock, he went into a bar and, with a quivering voice,ordered two shots of whiskey, then told everybody about his supernatural experience.

A silence enveloped and everybody got goose bumps when they realized the guy was telling the truth.

About half an hour later two guys walked into the bar and one says to the other, "Look Walt, there's that idiot that rode in our car when we wuz pushin' it in the rain."

fluffy :lol:
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Postby Mia » Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:59 pm

:lol: I like that story Nicky. :wink:
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Postby cotton » Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:55 am

Hehehe thats funny Fluffs





A young couple were happily driving home well after midnight one night. They had enjoyed a party until the early hours of the morning and were exhausted, both looked forward to getting home and retiring to bed with the sounds of the party still ringing in their ears.

The boy, suddenly feeling that the night was still only young, abruptly took a detour off the main road home. It happens that the road they were already on was fairly desolate and surrounded by thick foliage from the dense forest as it was, but now he had chosen a gravel road, one that looked as if nobody had driven down it for quite a long time with even thicker scrub that was occasionally scraping down the sides of the old car they were driving.

Waking up and wondering where they were going, the girl inquired as to what their new destination was. The boy admitted he felt like going for a bit of drive and spending some "quality time" alone with his girlfriend. He had in mind somewhere dark and secluded, where no interruptions were going to take place. Although the girl was tired, she agreed to the new plans, knowing that the boy was far too pushy for her to say no.

It was a slow drive down the newly chosen dirt road, and the car headlights did nothing to penetrate the thick black night and scrub that surrounded them. Unexpectedly the car hit something on the road. Not knowing what it was the boy stopped immediately and hopped out to investigate. "Oh No!" he exclaimed as he spied a large log wedged underneath. He turned to see that there was also now a large stream of smoke escaping from his old, tired cars engine. The boy kicked at the log, knowing that he would need to do more than kick it to dislodge it from under his car. "Just my luck!" he thought as he got back in the vehicle and told the girl of what had happened.

Wincing, he attempted to restart the vehicle, but being an early model from the 1970's the car complained loudly then died before it ever really fired up. The starter lights showed but no amount of persuading would start the car properly.

"I'm going to have to walk back to the main road for help" he said, shaking his head and gripping the useless steering wheel in front of him. "Stay in the car and I'll be back soon" was his last words as he climbed out of the vehicle, hunched his shoulders and walked off into the darkness on his own.

Although the girl did not like the idea of spending the rest of the night alone, out on a dirt road, god knows where, she was too tired to be bothered to go with him and sleepily thought of how she might nestle down in her passenger seat and dream while he was away getting help. Anyway wasn't it his idea to come way out here?, he should be the one to go find help!.

She watched him in the side mirror for as long as she could see him, which wasn't very long at all, he seemed swallowed by the night and she thought in the back of her mind how stupid he was to take this road, and hoped he would take a while so she could get some decent shut eye.

While happily drifting off to sleep, she wondered if he'd be back before dawn, and also how on earth he would find help when they had seen no traffic on the main road anyhow.

STARTLED, she awoke suddenly. "what was that?!", sleepy confusion was fogging her thoughts as she shook her head with the distinct impression that something had happened while she was asleep, something that woke her but now had passed or stopped. Peering out the windscreen and into the side mirror all she could see was darkness, darkness and more darkness. The night was as quiet as anything, hadn't she heard night noises before? why on earth was it so still and quiet now, surely something must of woken me!.

On edge and feeling cold and shaky from being pulled from such a deep sleep, she now wished she had of noted the time when her boyfriend had gone for help. Checking her watch it seemed as though dawn was about to break through the trees at any moment. It was now 4.30am.

When did he go? Must of been around 2.00am or 2.30 am surely? her mind started flipping backwards to see if it could conjure up the memory of exactly what time he had left for help. "Well whatever time it was, it was ages ago and he should be coming back pretty soon", she quietly admitted to herself.

The night was unbelievably quiet now, need I say, dead quiet, and she had the distinct impression that she wasn't alone. Not being able to see anything in front or behind her she hoped it was her boyfriend returning with help. Goosebumps were beginning to show themselves on her arms and the hair on the back of her neck started to rise up as the blackness outside suddenly seemed to move. "I must be going mad", she said out loud to nobody in particular. She decided that she'd had enough and went for the keys left in the ignition to see if she could get the headlights working. As she stretched over to the drivers seat there was a loud "THUMP" on the roof of the car. Her instant reaction was to jump, nearly hitting her head on the roof and cower back in her seat. Looking madly around, but instinctively not moving a muscle it became apparent to her that she did see something move outside the car, in the darkness.

"THUMP, THUMP". The loud noise happened again, and a small scream escaped from her mouth. What do I do, what is it, somebody help me, were all thoughts running madly through her mind. I'm alone out here in the darkness, what on earth do I do? "THUMP!" there it goes again, somebody is up there!

Tears of utter fear and horror crawled from her eyes and down her cheeks, there was no help, she was alone, and there was most probably a monster on the roof about to eat her.

THUMP.......again..................THUMP THUMP. The fear overcame her, she decided that she wouldn't be a sitting duck, she would open the door and make a run for it. If she couldn't see into the thick darkness of the night, surely the monster couldn't.

"THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP" and that was it. Fumbling with the lock (she'd forgotten that she'd locked all the doors earlier) and the door handle, tears now streaming from here eyes and blurring her vision, she threw the door open, nearly dislodging it from it's hinges, being so terrified and confused instead of making a grand exit and run for it she fell head first from the car and landed flat on her face in the dirt.

As she was attempting to both crawl and regain her feet and run, bright lights suddenly flooded the area. She could only see the bulbs and dark shadows behind the lights. She was rapidly succumbing to shock as she heard some voice saying something into a loud speaker. Dazed and back on her feet, she could only think to stumble un lady like towards the bright lights. Shading her eyes she could still hear the voice, it sounded like a fairly authoritative voice and it was giving some sort of instructions to her.

Again the voice repeated. "Lady, move away from your car towards us and whatever you do, don't look back". Again "Ma'am would you please continue moving towards us do not look back, face us and don't look back". She was now on the brink of fainting and could only fall towards those bright lights. She was caught by a man in uniform which she recognized to be from the local Police Department and could suddenly see past the lights. There were possibly 10 to 15 Squad cars and double that amount of police officers with guns drawn. Before she lost consciousness she decided there was one last thing she had to do. She struggled to flip over and face the car.

On the roof of the car was what appeared to be a monster, or it could it be a deformed human? It had a large stick in its hands and was drooling madly as it laughed and banged it's stick on the car roof. She did not miss that at the end of the stick, was her boyfriends head.

Variations on this story:

The boyfriend is often hanging from a tree with his hands scratching the car roof.
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Postby cotton » Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:36 pm

fluffy wrote:we don't bother much with it in Britain :roll: ........i once did a photoshoot in a graveyard on Halloween, we had smoke machines and spotlights and candles etc..it still wasn't spooky, the dead can't hurt you....

fluffy :lol:

Well we live just minutes from Salem a.k.a Witch city. That is where the Witch trials were and where it all got started. The court house and the Witchs dungeon etc are all still there and you can book tours that take you to all the Witchy historcal places there you can also see a play reenacting the trials at the court house. There are some people that live in Salem that practice witchcraft to this very day but they don't bother us so we don't bother them.hehe But maybe this is why we celebrate it more out here then you do Fluffs.


I think a good question to ask "The aflicted girls" is how many coco leafs they ate before they saw Satan.lol People ate coco leafs back then.
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