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Know Urself

Postby jimliker » Wed Aug 30, 2006 4:18 pm


If you ever met someone that appeared to be charming, funny, tantalizing, and intelligent, it was probably an Aquarian. They usually live in their own minds, filled with a world of ideas.

Although they seem to possess a certain detached quality and may sometimes come across as removed from feelings, they are warm, outgoing, and very concerned with others. These Humanitarians often are wary of emotion and like to deal rationally with life.

Optimism is a big part of their nature, along with the knack of friendliness and the mastery of flirtation. If you want to get the Aquarians attention, you will need to intellectually stimulate them. Good conversation, including debates are a favorite past time of the Water Bearer. Open minded, Aquarius can accept criticism and understand others perceptions about things.

If you have a problem, they are always willing to listen, though after awhile, enough is enough. Tolerance is a big part of an Aquarians temperament. They are slow to take offense, never jealous and never over emotional.

When planning a date with an Aquarius, you don't have to go out of your way to impress them. Just about anything pleases them. From sharing a picnic lunch to a candle lit dinner, Chinese or Mexican, it doesn't matter, as long as variety is on the menu.

In time, a relationship can grow, built on trust. Never nag an Aquarius about a mistake. A mistake is unimportant to them, so don't harp on it. If they are constantly told what is wrong, they will begin to feel unappreciated and the relationship can get rocky.

In any relationship, the Aquarian may find it hard to give of themselves but will always remain loyal and devoted to a worthy partner. When the Aquarius makes a promise, it's usually never broken. However, if you become demanding, and critical, they may start to wonder elsewhere. They want a partner to share in the adventures, along with the challenges, that life has to offer. Life with them will never be boring.


At first glance, you may find yourself fascinated with a Pisces. They are usually gentle and have a softness about them, essentially living in a world of dreams and romance. Along with their sensitive and mysterious qualities, their psychic intuition usually leads them through life. They have a tendency to fall in love easily and can have several love affairs until finding the right match.

To stay in a continuous relationship, they need to have their emotional needs met, along with a feeling of security. Adaptable to almost any situation and all sorts of people, you may find the Pisces to be a real charmer.

To win points with the Piscean, compliment them on their appearance, or flatter them regarding something they have done. Additionally, if you're the sentimental type, you will be on your way into a fulfilling relationship. If you're thoughtful, kind, and affectionate, in return, you may find yourself richly awarded with devotion. However, if you constantly criticize or have a tendency to be unfaithful with your devotion, you may want to keep looking.

Their interests fall in the arts and in stimulating conversation. These often artistically talented individuals love topics on mysticism, spiritualism and the supernatural.

They will find this behavior intolerable and definitely unacceptable. Pisces will do almost anything for someone they care about. Once they commit to a person, they will give all their time, effort, and energy to them.

Pisces love to expound and explain their point of view, however, if you don't agree, be gentle. This sensitive zodiac sign, doesn't appreciate rejection or someone that takes a completely negative approach to life. They are also great listeners and their sympathy is mostly genuine.

Once they have found a stable, passionate, and tender partner, they will relinquish their uttermost passion and devotion to them exclusively.

They won't even mind if the person makes most of the decisions that are to be made. As an attentive, compassionate and romantic lover, they will surely fulfill your spiritual and physical needs.

Once content in emotional security, this vulnerable sign of the zodiac, will look no further.


Aries love compliments and tend to gravitate towards unrestricted, lively people. They are outgoing and active. If you plan a date with an Aries, be prepared to stay out late and have some fun, as they are filled with energy, and love excitement.

Generally, they like to think of themselves as intellectuals, therefore, the best way to excite an Aries is to approach them on a intellectual level. They are aggressive and passionate.

However, be forewarned that an Aries has a tendency to be jealous and when in love, wants quite a bit of your time, if not all of it.

They love to be asked for their advice and will give you as much time, guidance, and sympathy that you need. Their advice is usually given straight forth and without hesitation. Although they are frank and candid, an Aries will gladly share their opinions with you.

An absolute definite way to end a relationship with an Aries is to start dictating or even more so, dominating them. They hate it. In addition, never give them orders. Not only do they not take orders well, but most likely they won't even listen.

Known to be independent, the Aries will be a trustworthy, loyal and exciting partner.


If you're interested in a Taurian, don't sit around waiting for them to approach you. A Taurus is a patient person, which is something you will have to possess in any relationship with them. Most likely, you will have to be the initiator.

Once you're on a date with a Taurus, let them know that you enjoy their company. If you pick out the restaurant, make certain that the food and atmosphere are in good taste. And, if you're planning a dinner at home, try and plan ahead making sure everything is perfect; plenty of good food, good wine, flowers, candles on the table, and soft background music.

If you show them that nothing is too good for them, you're well on you're way to building a lasting relationship.

With a strong will and a great sense of humor, a Taurian can have a calming effect on people. However, sudden changes in routine can cause friction with them.

If you're looking for someone dependable, you've found them. If your looking for someone to constantly assure you of their love and devotion, you might want to keep looking. Taurus is a very sensual person and can awaken sleeping passion in someone they care about.


Keep in mind that the Gemini is the sign of the twin. There is a part of them that needs love and security, and then there's the stronger part of them that needs stimulation and novelty. To remain in a relationship with a Gemini you must be able to satisfy their emotional, mental and sexual needs. They love to laugh, travel, spend money, and are eager for new experiences.

Since they know a little about many things and almost everything interests them, you can make a great impression by discussing a topic in depth.

The Gemini appreciates honesty and sincerity in a person, so make sure you speak your mind, even if you don't share the same point of view.

Additionally, don't always stick to one topic of interest, since variety is something they enjoy and find intriguing. These very social and energetic people tend to have a sharp tongue. They are quick to criticize and tend to use words as weapons, so if you're an emotional person that takes things to heart, you may want to avoid this relationship.

When in love, they tend to be quite possessive and inclined to be jealous.


If a Cancer has an interest in you, they will drop subtle clues. Don't expect them to be forward, as they don't know how to be.

Since they have a tendency to be old-fashion in beliefs, the perfect date would be tickets to the theater, a romantic restaurant, or a cultural event. As they tend to be romantic day dreamers, and reflect in the past, bring up some old stories so that they can relate some of theirs. Show an interest to this sentimentalist when they bring out their collections or old pictures.

They thrive on admiration and praise. Let them know how much you admire them. Compliments will get you everywhere. Ask their opinion, and be sure to be sincere about hearing their response.

Keep in mind that a Cancerian hates rejection and is extremely cautious about making any commitment. They will try to avoid giving an answer, and whatever you do, don't try to rush them into one.

Usually if the answer is no, they will go to all lengths to avoid the subject

The Cancer has an excellent memory and a jealous nature. Because they can recall situations in their past very easily, it would be a tremendous mistake to ever be insincere to this person.

To them betrayal is devastating, and it will take a very long time for them to forgive, and to top it off, they may never forget. Once emotionally wounded, there will always be a void in the relationship.

Emotional and financial security is of the utmost importance in this relationship. They don't like frivolous spending, since it means a loss of control and security.

If you can give an enormous amount of attention and constant reassurance, you have found the perfect mate. In return you will find Cancer to be affectionate, romantic, sympathetic, imaginative, and quite seductive.

Although they tend to want your complete devotion, if they are in love, they will cherish and protect their partner always.


Leo's love compliments and praise. Give them plenty of it..

Underneath the surface of this proud, take charge persona is a sensitive and vulnerable person that needs constant reassurance. It is an essential tool for them. Keep in mind, that flattery will get you everywhere. As a result, the more you feed Leo's ego, the longer your relationship will last.

On a date with a Leo, be sure not to skimp on anything, as they love the pleasures of life and feel that they are deserving of nice things. Leo's tend to be spendthrifts as nothing is too good for them. Feel free to discuss topics of intellectual interest. Leo's love to share their opinion, although be aware that they are prone to be boisterous about what they believe is right, and in most cases will not alter in opinion.

Leo's love to take charge and play the leading role. Sexually the Leo will go to all measures to please a partner. They want a relationship to be exciting and intense. However, as much as they need devotion, they deplore possessiveness and jealousy.

A true Leo will remain faithful in a relationship, however they must have space and freedom to allow their outgoing nature to explore new adventures.

If you're looking for a generous, creative person that usually has a sunny disposition about life, you've found them. Don't forget to take into account that the Leo has the symbol of the lion for a reason. This king of the jungle, can be quite domineering at times.

Nonetheless, provided with the necessities that a Leo needs, you will find an affectionate, cheerful companion that will do almost anything for you.

As a rule, Virgo is attracted to someone who possess good conversation skills. They love to talk and surround themselves with friends who are even-tempered, nonchalant, and intellectually stimulating.

If you're planning a date with a Virgo, try and avoid noisy places especially with lewd or obscene entertainment. The Virgo's reserved nature and insistence of good taste, would get more pleasure from a quiet restaurant with soft music playing in the background, than from a rock and roll concert. They would prefer a place where the two of you can talk. You'll probably find the Virgo to be very interesting and be able to discuss almost anything with them.

However, don't be in a hurry to jump right in and ask too much about their personal affairs, since they may find it to be an intrusion of privacy. It's a rare occurrence for a Virgo to hand out praise, so if you're looking for constant flattery, you may want to keep looking.

While on the contrary, if you're looking for advice or an opinion on a certain matter, the Virgo will gladly participate.

Virgo's are careful planners and are constantly seeking personal achievement and financial security. They won't put up with frivolous spending habits and won't jump into a serious relationship without looking ahead first. Most likely they are seeking a partner with practical ambitions exactly like themselves.

Once the Virgo has found someone worthy to share their life with, they will always be loyal and provide plenty of happiness. This responsible, sensitive, and intellectual person takes love very seriously.

Although they may appear aloof, and distant at times, they are very sensual and warm people. If you win them over, you will be more than rewarded with a prosperous and memorable life with them.


Libra's love the concept of being loved, therefore are constantly searching for the perfect mate. They also love romance and consequently are good at it. Filled with personal dignity and elegance, you may find Libra to dazzle and captivate you time and time again.
They have many interests like theater, antiques, decorating, art, and themselves. A Libra's best quality is the art of conversation. They are fantastic conversationalists. Although, when discussing any subject, you may find the conversation leading back toward their favorite topic of interest, as they put a little bit about themselves into each conversation, placing the spotlight exactly where they want it.

When out on a date with a Libra be sure to pay them a compliment. If it's sincere, they will most definitely be charmed by you. If you pick out a restaurant, make certain the atmosphere is classy and don't skimp on any of your plans. A Libra wants to be treated as first class and does not like to settle for less, as they feel that their pleasure is well worth it. They want a partner that has good taste and quality.

As they adore luxury and love to be pampered, impression will get you everywhere, so go all out, and don't hold back.

With an easy going nature, you will find a Libra pleasant to be around. This zodiac sign of partnership needs a companion who will understand, appreciate, and perhaps even idolize them. If you're searching for a partner that is socially outgoing and affectionate, you've found them.

They love to go to parties and enjoy a glittering extravagant social life. Although the Libra may be indecisive about making a commitment, once committed to a relationship, you will find harmony and peace with them.


If you've ever met someone that you found irresistible from the moment you met, it was probably a Scorpio. They are fascinating and have an air of mystery about them. Although, what you see on the surface is only what they want you to see. They may appear direct and just a bit forceful, but underneath they are vulnerable and sensitive. Scorpions take love very seriously and are searching for admiration from a partner.

Letting a date with a Scorpio is easier than forming a long term relationship with them. You will probably have no trouble seducing them, however if you're looking for an extended relationship, that's a little harder. Although the Scorpion can appear, at times, to be a loner, it's a deception that guards them against being hurt as they tend to wound easily. Once they commit to a long term relationship, the Scorpion will be a faithful mate providing both financial security and dependability.

Plan a day at the beach, a social affair, or do something recreational as they enjoy places where they can associate with other people. They appreciate being listened to and want to know that they have your complete undivided attention.

Although it's hard to get into an argument with someone born under this sign, if you become insistent and disrespectful toward them, it will happen.

They also hate to be dominated along with being taken for granted. Keep in mind that the Scorpion can be extremely jealous and protective of the person they choose to spend their life with. They seek someone generous, loving and affectionate that will provide them with the feeling of security. In turn they will provide plenty of passion, affection, and complete devotion in the relationship.

They will always take your feelings into consideration and have a great deal of energy when it comes to passion.


This Sun sign is probably the most delightful and charming companion that you will find. Sagittarius is not only out to enjoy life, but is imaginative and fun loving. One of their best traits is a good sense of humor. Always filled with new ideas and enthusiastic about each of them, this sign of the archer is ambitious, generous, and most of all freedom-loving.

Drawn to the excitement, passion, and the adventure of romance, this free spirit might find domesticity to be boring. The Sagittarian considers love a challenge, as well as an adventure.

Planning a date with a Sagittarius is easy. You don't have to go out of your way to impress them. They will enjoy almost anything, anywhere. While on a date with a Sagittarian you shouldn't have any trouble striking up a conversation as they have a variety of interests. The Sagittarian is intellectually stimulating and fascinating to talk with.

Although you may soon discover that they can be direct and straight forward. On the most part, they say what they feel, regardless of how it may sound. No harm intended though, they wouldn't hurt anyone on purpose.

Their main objective in a relationship, is loyalty to their partner. However, if you're looking for a homebody, or you're the jealous type, then you might want to look else where.

They will not tolerate being trapped into a relationship that will infringe upon their freedom of adventure. Once they find a compatible partner, the deep passions that are hidden beneath the surface will be unlocked.


The first time you meet a Capricorn they may appear aloof, but what they really are, is cautious. Their interests are in art, theater, music, and in their own career. Usually they are drawn to people who are intellectually stimulating and they seek a partner who will fit into their realm of life. They prefer to discuss serious subjects, however, will always be there to listen to a problem.

People born under this sign appreciate luxury, although, 0they don't like splurging to make an impression. They feel that money is a serious issue that spells out security.

Capricorn's tend to be dominating and are not easy to win over. They also expect to be pursued and not be the pursuers. If you're going on a date with this zodiac, make sure you're prompt. If you say you'll be there at a certain time, be there. They are intolerant to people who say something and do something else.

If you have a tendency to let your emotions rule you, then you may want to keep looking for someone else, since the Capricorn can come across as cool and reserved.

As they take a common sense approach in almost everything they do, it will be included in their relationship. They want to be cherished, honored, loved and respected. In return, passion will run deep and you will have a loving lasting relationship.

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Postby fluffy » Wed Aug 30, 2006 7:06 pm

Capricorn for me................. :D

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Postby Happygal » Thu Aug 31, 2006 1:33 am

I'm not quite sure what I am. :? Either I'm Gemini or Cancer cause its always changing. But the Gemini sounds a lot like me. :)

By the way, my birthday is June 21 if any of you can figure out what I am. Thank You! :D
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Postby Jimlover1 » Thu Sep 07, 2006 10:51 pm

Im Cancer, and a very good match
with Jims Capricorn. Ill post more
about that later. 8) :D
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ps. or at least a date!
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Postby Mia » Sun Sep 24, 2006 11:24 pm

I'm a Sagittarius.
(BTW jimlover, could I also be a good
match for Jim Carrey? :lol: )
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Postby Miss Hyde » Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:01 pm

I'm an Aries :) . Many peoples hate Aries but I don't understand why.... :cry:
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Postby Mia » Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:50 am

Why would anyone hate an Aries. :( I like you Miss Hyde :wink: ;
don't understand people who go around hating others anyhow.
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Postby anukk » Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:56 am

I´m a Capricorn, though not a typical one, I guess. I´m often late myself and wouldn´t think of myself as dominating or extremely ambitious concerning certain things lol
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Postby cable girl » Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:44 pm

I'm an Aquarius, so that means that life with me will never be boring! Hmm, good to know... Even for myself!! :lol:
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Postby sprousefan23 » Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:57 pm

i'm a gemini but i'm nothing like they say in the horoscopes. i act more like an aquarius. 8)
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