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Rules on Dating...

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Postby Michele Hernandez » Fri Jul 14, 2006 9:44 pm

Now you can see why I don't have a boyfriend.....they look but they know not to touch....lol
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Postby Jimenem » Sat Jul 15, 2006 4:57 pm

Yes, Michele is right, you can learn to have complete control over your own feelings. But if you never learn to let your emotions depend on someone else, you'll always have a false sense of what happiness is. You'll never be in love, because part of love is when YOUR happiness is dependant on another person's, if you're self dependant, you CAN be happy, and for some people that's the best, BUT for most, happiness needs a counterpart, a witness, somebody who you can share the best kind of love with . . . unconditional love. THAT cannot be accomplished on your own.
I don't intend to knock your point of view Michele, because you have a good point. I merely inted to show mandy more than one side of the spectrum, giving her a plethora of options. Mandy, just follow your heart (I know it's cliche, but it still holds true.)
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Postby Jimenem » Tue Jul 18, 2006 8:48 pm

Another rule . . . specifically for guys. Don't take things too serioulsy, trying too hard to maintain a healthy relationship can, in the end, hurt it instead. Just sit back and enjoy the ride, it'll get where it needs to go when it does, in the mean time, enjoy the scenery.
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Postby Michele Hernandez » Tue Jul 18, 2006 11:21 pm

Jimenem wrote:Another rule . . . specifically for guys. Don't take things too serioulsy, trying too hard to maintain a healthy relationship can, in the end, hurt it instead. Just sit back and enjoy the ride, it'll get where it needs to go when it does, in the mean time, enjoy the scenery.

I think that's good advice for females too, Jimenen...
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Postby Michele Hernandez » Tue Jul 18, 2006 11:25 pm

Jimenem wrote:Yes, Michele is right, you can learn to have complete control over your own feelings. But if you never learn to let your emotions depend on someone else, you'll always have a false sense of what happiness is. You'll never be in love, because part of love is when YOUR happiness is dependant on another person's, if you're self dependant, you CAN be happy, and for some people that's the best, BUT for most, happiness needs a counterpart, a witness, somebody who you can share the best kind of love with . . . unconditional love. THAT cannot be accomplished on your own.
I don't intend to knock your point of view Michele, because you have a good point. I merely inted to show mandy more than one side of the spectrum, giving her a plethora of options. Mandy, just follow your heart (I know it's cliche, but it still holds true.)

I'm not sure what I wrote....I'll go back and check.....lol.....I spend all my time with my family members....and love them...my happiness is so completely intertwined with theirs, although no, I'm not involved in a romantic relationship at the moment...but am looking to be in one...and AM interested in someone right now...anyway...I don't believe anyone can be 'self dependent'...I know I'm not, but I still believe you have to love yourself first.

And I think I said something about owning your own feelings, but that's all I said. To clarify myself, when I said 'I don't care anymore' , what I meant was if a person isn't interested in me, I won't let that bother me.
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Postby Jimenem » Wed Jul 19, 2006 5:07 pm

That's a good place to be. It will keep you from falling for the first sad sack wannabe loser that has the least bit of charm. It will keep you on your toes, and able to see clearly, and make clear and level headed descisions reguarding who you want a relationship with.
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Postby MandyCarrey » Fri Jul 21, 2006 1:12 pm

Thanks for the advice guys. :D been a great help.
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Postby Michele Hernandez » Fri Jul 21, 2006 8:49 pm

Jimenem wrote:That's a good place to be. It will keep you from falling for the first sad sack wannabe loser that has the least bit of charm. It will keep you on your toes, and able to see clearly, and make clear and level headed descisions reguarding who you want a relationship with.

Thank you Jimenen....kind words....I hope things turn out that way...they seem to be heading in that direction
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Postby quirky » Fri Jul 21, 2006 8:56 pm

But if you never learn to let your emotions depend on someone else, you'll always have a false sense of what happiness is. You'll never be in love, because part of love is when YOUR happiness is dependant on another person's, if you're self dependant, you CAN be happy, and for some people that's the best, BUT for most, happiness needs a counterpart, a witness, somebody who you can share the best kind of love with . . . unconditional love. THAT cannot be accomplished on your own.

Ouch. That smarts....but it's sooooo meeeeee.

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Postby Jimenem » Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:21 pm

A person can't help wanting to be further from the fire if that person has been repeatedly burned

Understandable. . . but how long can you stand the cold?
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Postby quirky » Mon Jul 24, 2006 7:21 pm

Jimenem wrote:
A person can't help wanting to be further from the fire if that person has been repeatedly burned

Understandable. . . but how long can you stand the cold?

I'm genetically well equipped.
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Postby Jimenem » Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:38 pm

Wherever you're more comfortable. . . that's really all that matters. :wink:
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