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I'm so tired of being called a 'racist' Does it happen to u?

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I'm so tired of being called a 'racist' Does it happen to u?

Postby wonderbunny » Tue Jul 04, 2006 2:34 pm

I"ve dated a wonderful Egyptian man, an African American and Asian man; so I hardly think it applies. But I still have certain people with those false belief. I guess they have issues. I've purchased a CD on Spanish a few years ago, but language does not come easy for me. My English teacher took years to deprogram this valley girl how to speak basic English. So Spanish might take a while. Reading foreign languages is much easier for me. I still hate the presumption of being a racist. Maybe its a generational thing. :roll:
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Postby Michele Hernandez » Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:54 pm

Maybe so. That never happens to me, if anything the opposite.
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Postby Jimenem » Wed Jul 05, 2006 6:24 pm

Racism is starting to vanish. . . people just have a hard time grasping that, so, every little thing anyone does that might be considered profiling or rascism people will jump all over it. Sometimes if you even say the word "black" in a room full of african american people, and you're NOT black, someone will accuse you of being rascist. It's sad but it won't last forever, I think it's just a phase, If you're not a minority, you'll probably be accused of being rascist a few times. Reguardless of who you date.
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Postby fluffy » Wed Jul 05, 2006 7:54 pm

um...........how does being lousy at languages make anyone racist??..........i'm hopeless at learning foreign languages, i don't have the patience...........does that make me racist??..........i don't think so!!!

fluffy :wink:
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Postby Michele Hernandez » Thu Jul 06, 2006 6:51 am

The secret may be to turn things around. A friend of mine at work joked with me saying, " You don't like me because I'm black." And I joked back saying, "No, that's WHY I like you..." . So maybe you can turn things around and be happy about it....don't take things too seriously, and try to turn it into a positive situation. We are good friends me and my friend at work, maybe he was just testing me to see what I would say.

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Postby cable girl » Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:22 am

I definitely think it's just a phase too! Personally I think racism is getting sooo old, it's like "Is there still racism in the world?!!" For me racists will always be dumb, 'cause for starters they totally just judge and hate millions of people who basically have their diffrent personalities too, and they base that hate on one or two people who have been mean to them for instance or something. But people of all colours can be mean to you. So how narrowminded are racists really?!
My dad always used to say to me while I was growing up that collecting things on your favourite celebrity is totally pointless. Well, how pointless
-if something- is it to go around hating others 'cause they don't look the same as you do, or don't come from the same country or doesn't belong to the same religion?!! That if something is TOTALLY POINTLESS if you ask me!!! And doesn't it really stop those people from enjoying life to the fullest having so much hate in their hearts for basically no good reason whatsoever?!

I have to agree with what Janet Jackson said in the end of her "Rhythm Nation 1814"-album back in 1989:

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Postby wonderbunny » Wed Jul 12, 2006 2:19 pm

In many ways I empathize. My grandfather immigrated and had a lot of stories. Depending upon what country they come from, how long they've been here and what type of culture they lived in makes a difference. In tyranny, their views may be very deep. So I try to have patience. But in many ways I can't relate and probably never will to their need for acceptance. I keep my heart open to whatever their lives and discrimination they may have gone through and try not to judge them for it. But as a caucasian woman who went through multiracial California school system, we were taught from kindergarten on (60'-80's) Not to discriminate. Biracial dating is the normal here- 39 dialects spoke in one school district, can you imagine?
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Postby carreyd away » Wed Jul 12, 2006 7:17 pm

I forget the comedian who originally said it, but the sentiment was that there is no reason to hate people based on race. He hated enough people on a case by case basis.

Racism is just ignorance and self loathing combined. Make yourself feel better by putting others down. Unnecessary.
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Postby Laura Laing » Thu Jul 13, 2006 5:32 am

carreyd away wrote:I forget the comedian who originally said it, but the sentiment was that there is no reason to hate people based on race. He hated enough people on a case by case basis.

Racism is just ignorance and self loathing combined. Make yourself feel better by putting others down. Unnecessary.

I think it may have been George Carlin....

My dad resembles your statement on racism....yuck...How true, it was like living with Archie Bunker...what a meathead...lol
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Postby omnipresence » Tue Jul 18, 2006 7:34 pm

Do any of you think that Comedy has no boundries and racism should be allowed for comedic purposes. Theres was a debate recently in England about it. The Government was thinking of making it illegal to be racist in commedy. The law didnt go through. Rowan Atkinson (Mr Bean) was against the movement along with a lot of other comedians.

Does anybody have any thaughts on this?
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Postby Happygal » Tue Jul 18, 2006 8:15 pm

Okay, okay, I admit that I find some racist jokes are funny, but yeah, they really should stop making jokes about racism.
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Postby Jimenem » Tue Jul 18, 2006 8:45 pm

I dissagree, Racial jokes are perfectly acceptable. . . however when the jokes are intended to insult, rather than entertain, that's when it becomes unacceptable, and should be moderated. But if it's all in the name of humor, and it achieves it's purpose of making the audience laugh, then who cares!?
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Postby Laura Laing » Tue Jul 18, 2006 9:32 pm

omnipresence wrote:Do any of you think that Comedy has no boundries and racism should be allowed for comedic purposes. Theres was a debate recently in England about it. The Government was thinking of making it illegal to be racist in commedy. The law didnt go through. Rowan Atkinson (Mr Bean) was against the movement along with a lot of other comedians.

Does anybody have any thaughts on this?

If you stop and think about it, humour is a way of looking at everything in life, people, politics, racism, any topic under the sun, from a different perspective...it can show people just how outrageous their every day views might be...and some laugh because they see the humour in it, others are laughing because they recognise themselves. And wouldn't it be discriminatory to remove racism from the list of things we can be funny about? Humour helps ease the pain.
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Postby Jimmie » Tue Jul 18, 2006 10:45 pm

I don't think you explained the situation enough. Then i would truly be able to give some advice, or my personal opinion.
I understand the issue though, my dad has to be the most racist person in the world, not to mention being a total hypocrite, yet he denies both. I totally dispise the way he acts towards others, therefore i am not that way. Because i'm not that way though, i get accused of being overly nice to someone of another race, and trying to compensate for my dad's harsh ways.
I don't know...society is so messed up anyway......
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Postby quirky » Tue Jul 18, 2006 11:33 pm

One of the things I love most about America is her ability to have self-corrected a number of injustices (which still exist in much older countries) in her little amount of years.

When I was in England I often heard British people say, "You have terrible racism in America, don't you?" I would say, "Did you see that on Oprah or something?"

I think there are people with agendas who can look right past obvious things that slap them in the face. And those who are blind to the progress that has come even in my tiny lifespan so far. It HAS to be okay to talk about things. It HAS to be okay to joke about things. It HAS to be okay to show things on tv. That's how America works.
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