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San Jose Headlines 'Armageddon' I wonder....

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San Jose Headlines 'Armageddon' I wonder....

Postby wonderbunny » Sun Jun 18, 2006 4:29 am

I keep talking to missionarys, religious leaders and studying the scriptures and they all say the same thing. The time is near. Earthquakes, Book of Isaiah, Katrina (Noah and the Ark) Tsunami, 8.0 3hour earthquake in the South Pacific. I was speaking with a religious scholar who spoke in depth about the second coming. I keep thinking about Bruce Almighty. Would we know? Or, just look him over like they did with Jesus and think he was a freak, or mentally ill person. The Pharisees were educated elite religious leaders and they couldn't recognize the massiah even with his miracles. Moses kept speaking to Pharoah who would not grant him the freedom of the Jewish slaves. Finally God sent the plague, locusts, famine until Pharoah finally lost his son and he still would not give up. Pride. I read Revalations, and the angle with six vials.. could they be the bird virus, HIV/Aids, West Nile Virus, Global warming, mad cow disease, flu (they keep talkings about) I don't want to sound paranoid but thats what they said in the scriptures and they've all come true so I wonder. No ten commandments in courthouse, no prayer in school? Can't even talk about it without someone thinking somethings wrong with you. Could God have finally said enough. Do you think he might just cut California off right down the faultline? Too much liberalism? Parting of the red sea kind of thing? I'll keep praying because the book ends there. Evolution, Smart design, Rhino (Poof, we have man but where's the woman?)
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Postby quirky » Sun Jun 18, 2006 5:22 am

Before that comes, there is supposed to be a thousand years of peace, I think. We aren't there, et.
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Postby wonderbunny » Mon Jun 19, 2006 6:38 am

You know we had the whole middle east thing, birth of Christianity; and then it moved to the Americas. Joseph Smith and the Mormon Church tried to re-establish the original foundation of the Church strict adherence to what they believe Christ oringally wanted, and they too were executed; as were Jesus' 12 Deciples. This whole Christianity thing is dangerous, I wonder why. 1000 years of peace (Bruce Almighty, mentioned it- Dark Age) I saw the board on the wall when Bruce went to meet God, by the elevator the sign showed the last two floors were creativity and destruction. Fascinating. When does creativity border on destructive in nature. The Bible also speaks that Satan will be loosed for a short period roaming the earth to devour what he can before he is put back in the pit of fire and brimstone. Maybe the 60's were a little too loose and we are just now seeing the repricussions? I believe in Civil Rights but some of the sex, drugs and rock and roll is dangerous. Drugs and permanent brain damage might move the pendulum of morality too far? What do you think?
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