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No birdy no cry....

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No birdy no cry....

Postby quirky » Thu May 25, 2006 2:31 am

Peeps has been really well-behaved these past two days. Tonight he was squealing from the window....downstairs were people (and lots of kids) having a sort of rendez vous with blankets on the ground.

I took Peeps to meet the kids and it was great for about ten minutes where he was climbing onto people and I answered all the questions.

Then he flew....he flew down the block and I was thinking..."you idiot...you should've clipped him again."

He apparently flew around one building and then he came back and landed on one of the kids' shoulders.

I was running .... then I heard her say, "I've got him"...it was the little girl who had been scared to hold him before.

All I can think is: THANK GOD HE LANDED on someone who cares.
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Postby mav » Thu May 25, 2006 3:32 am

:shock: wow!...what an adventure for the little birdie
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Postby JT Carrey » Thu May 25, 2006 6:23 am

I would have been terrified!!!! thank god you got him back
~*~J.T. Carrey~*~

"I was sitting back in my chair thinking 'this can't be about urine'" - Jim talking about the musical Urinetown :D
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