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Freaky Stuff

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Postby fluffy » Sun May 21, 2006 1:53 pm

i like to think of the deceased as guardians watching over us.......... :D
but my mum always sees them to chat with, on the night of their funerals.......witch is kinda creepy ..............lol.......and i confess we both still see flashes of our dead pets in our homes..............i'll kinda see my old cat in my side vision.........and mum will see the dog in hers.......
i know its our imaginations, but i want a heaven or afterlife with the animals i've loved too........ :wink:

fluffy :lol:
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Postby MandyCarrey » Tue May 23, 2006 6:09 pm

Yeh.. my dog passed recently but i havnt felt anything around me from him. but i often feel like i can see people in the corner of my eye like my mum and grandad. .... Wow its cool someone has had a similar experience to me... its weird i didnt even know why i said not now lol..... i wasnt scared at anything thats happend to me really... i think if i had seen a ufo or watever like u did and said not now and hear an answer in my mind that would freak me out a little.
I think it would be lovely to be reunited with everyone uve known in ur lives wen u pass over..you cant think that theres just nothingness can u? theres got to be something??? :)
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