but that was crap i thought..
.......lol.....Although it has rather come to my attention that the acceptable boundaries of sexual innuendo and teasing are completely different accross the pond.......The Europeans have a far more relaxed attitude than Americans.......we constantly tease and joke and flirt and it's innocent good fun.......in NO WAY is it construed as cheap and tarty......that's a different thing altogether.......that's drinking 14 bottles of Baccardi Breezer B4 getting your Puppies out 'for the lads' then throwing up all down yourself, and going home with the first bloke who manages to squash you into a cab with him..........lol........
I'm talking about little innocent stuff like a wink of an eye or a bottom pinch........lol..........
and if someone did that to me on set........i'd more than match his cheek.......lol......you can be classy and fun too.........one does not exclude the other y'know.............lol........
ps............what's the groper stuff gotta do with the costumes?????.....perhaps Jim has a lycra fetish........like my leather chaps fetish............lol...hahah