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Re: Jim Carrey teams up with The Eels - "Cold Dead Hand" Son

Postby EvaAraujo » Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:06 pm

jimliker wrote:Hi Cotton & Eva.
I also felt angry watching that & just wanted to share with other Jim fans that why he is being so bad mouthed. :(
If u want to delete the vids , plz go ahead... i wont mind.

I understand
I have been commenting like hell for the past 2 days!
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Re: Jim Carrey teams up with The Eels - "Cold Dead Hand" Son

Postby EvaAraujo » Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:13 pm

cotton wrote:They have too. Some people even said that Jim did not want our police to have guns but he never said that matter of a fact I thought he said the opposite.

Shelley is now comparing her likes on facebook with mine. I don't even use Facebook.lol I guess she is comparing it with JCOs but that has nothing to do with me.lol


YouTube, Twitter and Who Say!
I'm defending in 3 fronts!

Forgive me Jim but I can't stay silent! :D
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Re: Jim Carrey teams up with The Eels - "Cold Dead Hand" Son

Postby TaMiReS » Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:46 pm

EvaAraujo wrote:
TaMiReS wrote:I just saw that some people are making a petition to deport Jim. Of course this won't happen but I'm so sad that this took this proportions...

It's ok!
He can come here!
We want him! :D

He can come to Brazil again too! :lol: :lol: By the way, Eva, you just talked with me on Twitter without knowing it was me :?: I followed you!
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Re: Jim Carrey teams up with The Eels - "Cold Dead Hand" Son

Postby EvaAraujo » Wed Mar 27, 2013 9:29 pm

TaMiReS wrote:
EvaAraujo wrote:
TaMiReS wrote:I just saw that some people are making a petition to deport Jim. Of course this won't happen but I'm so sad that this took this proportions...

Actually I knew it was you! ^^

It's ok!
He can come here!
We want him! :D

He can come to Brazil again too! :lol: :lol: By the way, Eva, you just talked with me on Twitter without knowing it was me :?: I followed you!
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Re: Jim Carrey teams up with The Eels - "Cold Dead Hand" Son

Postby fluffy » Wed Mar 27, 2013 10:32 pm

in one of his old tweets, he mentioned that in England, the policemen/women don't carry guns with them. I can't remember exactly, what he said though!.

He was pointing out that in a civilised developed society the police don't need firearms ...sure our crooks might carry knives and there are illegal guns out there but they are few and far between and if anyone is caught with one, they automatically go to jail.
But geez, if we are to believe the haters, the people living in -
Great Britain
New Zealand
(to name just a few) must be living in fear of those maurading psychos, rapist, child killers, murderers etc that the pro weapon supporters seem to think are waiting around every corner........GOOD GRIEF, HOW IN GOD'S NAME DO WE SURVIVE IN THESE COUNTRIES??????? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :wink:
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Re: Jim Carrey teams up with The Eels - "Cold Dead Hand" Son

Postby EvaAraujo » Wed Mar 27, 2013 10:56 pm

You can add Portugal.

In here it's very hard to get a gun license...
Do we have criminals? Yes!
How many Massacres have you heard? None. (Sorry Cotton... I love US bt they are a bad example in this)
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Re: Jim Carrey teams up with The Eels - "Cold Dead Hand" Son

Postby cotton » Thu Mar 28, 2013 12:16 am

Well some of our areas are worse then others.
Jim should've tweeted this story. It just happened the other day.

http://abcnews.go.com/US/florida-teen-m ... d=18796777

I wish he would change the subject now cause I worry about him when he has so many people hating him :(
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Re: Jim Carrey teams up with The Eels - "Cold Dead Hand" Son

Postby EvaAraujo » Thu Mar 28, 2013 1:03 am

cotton wrote:Well some of our areas are worse then others.
Jim should've tweeted this story. It just happened the other day.

http://abcnews.go.com/US/florida-teen-m ... d=18796777

I wish he would change the subject now cause I worry about him when he has so many people hating him :(

I worry too but I have been praying for him everyday ever since I became his fan so my faith is strong.
That's why he should help him in every way we can.

PS: I'm so gonna use that you rub in some people face.
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Re: Jim Carrey teams up with The Eels - "Cold Dead Hand" Son

Postby cotton » Thu Mar 28, 2013 1:29 am

ok lol
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Re: Jim Carrey teams up with The Eels - "Cold Dead Hand" Son

Postby EvaAraujo » Thu Mar 28, 2013 2:03 am

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Re: Jim Carrey teams up with The Eels - "Cold Dead Hand" Son

Postby TaMiReS » Thu Mar 28, 2013 3:12 am

cotton wrote:Well some of our areas are worse then others.
Jim should've tweeted this story. It just happened the other day.

http://abcnews.go.com/US/florida-teen-m ... d=18796777

I wish he would change the subject now cause I worry about him when he has so many people hating him :(

Cotton you said eveything. I'm so worried, we all know all the problems Jim had in the past and I don't want them to come back... I try to cheer him up in the only way that I can - Twitter - but there are so many tweets to him and just a few are good... :? :(
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Re: Jim Carrey teams up with The Eels - "Cold Dead Hand" Son

Postby Canadian Jayne » Thu Mar 28, 2013 4:11 am

Brad press is not necessarily
Bad Press
I doubt if anyone has seen Jim
on TV more than they have in the past
24 hours, Wow, that's one way to get out there

I don't understand why one of the newscasters
apologizes for him being Canadian
He's acting in something he decided to act in
The odd thing is the newscasts are longer than
the actual video he did on gun control
He did achieve getting people to talk about it
At least he's not sitting on his hands and not doing anything

If he made a mistake
The video may have been too long, cut it down to
two and half minutes
take out the most offensive stuff
That may redeem him but
really he is creative, would I show it to my grandkids
But his intention was to an adult audence,
You can say he knows how to get peoples attention :shock:
I wonder how many hits he'll get after all this attention
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Re: Jim Carrey teams up with The Eels - "Cold Dead Hand" Son

Postby cotton » Thu Mar 28, 2013 4:53 am


People were selling Jim memorabilia and putting in the descriptions that the money they get from them will be used to buy a gun. 1 person had bids over $800 just for Jims autographed pic but Ebay stepped in and made it a rule that sellers cannot sell them like that and took all their bids away. I guess there was also some threads on their forum that were bad mouthing Jim and Ebay took those down too. :D :D :D
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Re: Jim Carrey teams up with The Eels - "Cold Dead Hand" Son

Postby EvaAraujo » Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:37 am

cotton wrote:YEAH!! GOOD FOR EBAY!

People were selling Jim memorabilia and putting in the descriptions that the money they get from them will be used to buy a gun. 1 person had bids over $800 just for Jims autographed pic but Ebay stepped in and made it a rule that sellers cannot sell them like that and took all their bids away. I guess there was also some threads on their forum that were bad mouthing Jim and Ebay took those down too. :D :D :D

The hand of God on Ebay...
Thank you! :D
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Re: Jim Carrey teams up with The Eels - "Cold Dead Hand" Son

Postby EvaAraujo » Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:58 am

TaMiReS wrote:
Cotton you said everything. I'm so worried, we all know all the problems Jim had in the past and I don't want them to come back... I try to cheer him up in the only way that I can - Twitter - but there are so many tweets to him and just a few are good... :? :(

I took some pics of myself with a nose clown.
One of them is funny.
Gonna send it and put it on twitter. Maybe I will get him a cheap laugh! :D
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