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Today's batch of new... things! lol!
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Today's batch of new... things! lol!I'm just going to put these new interviews, articles, etc in the one thread cos it would be easier to read then jumping all over the place. Some of these articles may cross link into ones we've already seen but I'll put them here anyway. So here goes! : <br><br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>Sunshine Wiped Carrey Out</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--> <br><br>Jim Carrey, who stars in the upcoming SF movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, told reporters that the movie deals with the breakup of a love affair in an unusual way. In the film, written by Oscar-nominated writer Charlie Kaufman, Carrey plays Joel, a man who discovers that his ex-girlfriend, Clementine (Kate Winslet), has wiped him from her memory. <br><br>"It wasn't about memory," Carrey said at a press conference to promote the film. "It was about being erased. It was a different perspective on it. It was about how it would feel to be erased. That was the strongest pull for me. That's a heavy feeling. That's what hit me with the script. When he finds out that she's erased him, it's just a brutal thing to hit probably anybody's ego, but a male ego especially." <br><br>In response, Joel decides to have Clementine erased from his memory as well. But as he relives the moments of their relationship backwards, he realizes that maybe that's not such a great idea. "I loved the idea that the memories went in reverse," Carrey said. "There were so many things that made it different than your normal losing-your-memory movie. I love the clunky, sci-fi aspect of this movie. It doesn't take it over; it's just a function within it." <br><br>Eternal Sunshine, directed by Michel Gondry, opens March 19. <br><br>Source: <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://www.scifi.com/" target="top">Sci Fi Wire</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--> <br><br><br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>Jim Carrey, Kate Winslet, Elijah Wood Bask In 'Eternal Sunshine' At Premiere</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--> <br><br>03.10.2004 5:35 PM EST <br><br><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.MTV.com/shared/media/news/images/c/Carrey_Jim/sq-Jim-Carrey-spotless-cpt-MTV.jpg" style="border:0;"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><br><br>BEVERLY HILLS, California — "The Passion of the Christ" may have met its match, at least as far as source material is concerned. <br><br>"Charlie Kaufman — every time a script comes from him, it's the new gospel," Jim Carrey said at Tuesday's premiere of "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," another unique film written by "Being John Malkovich" and "Adaptation" screenwriter Kaufman. <br><br>Carrey, who stars in "Eternal Sunshine," was one of the many Hollywood elite who spent their stroll down the red carpet at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences singing the praises of Kaufman and director Michel Gondry, who debuted on the big screen with 2001's "Human Nature" but is best known for directing White Stripes and Björk videos (see "Video Auteur Michel Gondry Goes From White Stripes To 'Eternal Sunshine' "). Elijah Wood, Kirsten Dunst and beau Jake Gyllenhaal, Carrey mentor Rodney Dangerfield, fellow comedian Gary Shandling and director Cameron Crowe also caught Tuesday's screening. (Click for photos from the premiere.) <br><br>"Michel Gondry is like this underground swell happening," Carrey said. "And you love to be part of him bursting out, 'cause he's going to be a really important filmmaker for a long time." <br><br>Kate Winslet, who plays Carrey's love interest in the movie, was equally excited when she got an offer to make the movie. <br><br>"If I could be graphic for a moment, you pretty much pee your pants," she explained of the casting. "I never thought I would work with Michel Gondry, who's from the world of incredible music videos. And Charlie's a genius, so I thought, 'I want a slice of that.' " <br><br>Mark Ruffalo, who (along with Wood) plays a lab technician who erases Carrey's bad memories of his relationship with Winslet, thought the same thing when he read the script. <br><br>"I basically had to beg," he said. "Those two together are very exciting. They're very irreverent about filmmaking." <br><br>Not that Kaufman and Gondry got all the attention at the premiere. A bald Carrey, always a show stealer, was also a hot topic, although not for the usual stunt-pulling or wisecracking. His performance in the movie is garnering rave reviews and is said to be his most different, or anti-Ace Ventura, yet. <br><br>"I always knew he had it in him; he's always been an amazing actor," Elijah Wood said. "To see what he went through to achieve this was pretty extraordinary. It isn't at all the Jim Carrey we're familiar with. Emotionally, it was difficult for him, putting him in that space, pathetic and heartbroken, and I know he called on a lot of personal experiences to be that, which is wonderful." <br><br>Dunst was also surprised and impressed. "He was very introverted, listening to his music, not the Jim Carrey you think of," she said. "It's a hard role." <br><br>The humble Gondry gave the credit to Carrey and Kaufman. <br><br>"When you take an actor of this level, you want them to commit to the project even if it's not a big Hollywood movie and that's what he did," the director said. "He was here for the story. Everyone loves Charlie's script." <br><br>The script was certainly what attracted Carrey to the role. <br><br>"It was an opportunity to show a different side and relax a little bit and let the audience come to me instead of going to them," Carrey said. "It's a romantic movie, but it's not romanticized. <br><br>"And who hasn't been erased at some point?" he added with that familiar grin. <br><br>Source: <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://www.MTV.com/" target="top">MTV</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--> <br><br>More to come... <p></p><i></i>
Re: Today's batch of new... things! lol!<!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>Movie brings back memories for Jim Carrey</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--> <br>Last updated 10 March 2004 <br><br> <!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/news/images/entertainment/awards/peopleschoice04/carrey_120.jpg" style="border:0;"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><br><br>Jim Carrey is back, but this time he's gone a bit more serious. <br><br>In 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' he plays a guy who finds out his girlfriend has had every memory of their relationship removed. <br><br>He's so angry to be wiped out like that he decides to have it done too, but as the memories are disappearing he realises his love for her is real so he has to try and fight to keep it. <br><br>He says filming opened some painful memories for him - one was falling in love with a lifeguard when he was a kid: <br><br>"I was 11 years-old, she was 15 and wore this American flag one-piece bathing suit, long blonde hair, and I cried in my bed every night, yearning for her." <br><br>"I didn't even have hair under my arms so I knew I didn't have a shot!" <br><br>Kate Winslet plays the girlfriend and she says the film got her stressed out too: <br><br>"In the good old days when I didn't have any kids, it was sort of okay to take some of those things home with you." <br><br>"But I'm always so desparate to just finish work, take the wig off, run home - am I gonna make it for bathtime?!" <br><br>"I just want to get back and be a mum!" <br><br>Source: <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/" target="top">BBC - Radio 1</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--> <br><br><br>And this is another awesome review! <br><br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>THE ROLLING STONE REVIEW</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--> <br><br>Don't expect anything standard-issue from this uniquely funny, unpredictably tender and unapologetically twisted romance. Jim Carrey, dropping the goofy faces, has never done anything this deeply felt. The brilliant screenwriter Charlie Kaufman (Being John Malkovich, Adaptation), often accused of an excess of cleverness, plumbs new emotional depths. And visionary director Michel Gondry, whose music-video flash for the likes of Bjork, Radiohead and the White Stripes kept his 2001 collaboration with Kaufman in Human Nature on a showoff level, reveals a bracing maturity in his commitment to character. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind chases so many ideas that it threatens to spin out of control. But with our multiplexes stuffed with toxic Hollywood formula, it's a gift to find a ballsy movie that thinks it can do anything, and damn near does. <br><br>Carrey stars as Joel Barish, a weary Manhattan wage slave who wakes up one winter morning, calls in sick and takes a train out to a beach in Montauk, on Long Island. Something draws him there; maybe the same thing that draws him to Clementine Kruczynski (a never-better Kate Winslet), a free spirit with dyed blue hair -- she calls it "Blue Ruin" -- whom he meets on the train home. These polar opposites feel a connection they can't explain. <br><br>So Kaufman gradually fills us in. Without giving too much away, let's just say that Joel and Clementine have both had all memories of their two-year relationship erased. She had the process done first, having seen a TV ad for a company called Lacuna in which Dr. Howard Mierzwiak (the invaluable Tom Wilkinson) asks, "Why remember a destructive love affair?" Joel, hurt by her actions, follows suit. In his apartment, on the night before the train trip, Dr. Mierzwiak's assistants Stan (Mark Ruffalo), Patrick (Elijah Wood) and Mary (Kirsten Dunst) attach the weird headgear and zap the recollections one by one, the most recent first. It's a botch job, mostly because Patrick splits to make a play for Clementine (he has stolen Joel's memories), and Stan and Mary strip down to get stoned and boogie. <br><br>No matter. The core of the movie is what's going on in Joel's head. And it's here that the filmmakers lavish their most creative and insightful notions. As Joel struggles to hold on to the memories of the woman he truly loves, Kaufman and Gondry grapple with the concept of memory itself and how it defines our lives. This is heady stuff -- gorgeously shot by Ellen Kuras -- that might fly off the handle into meta-hot air were it not for the grounded and groundbreaking performances of Carrey and Winslet. Never once do we doubt the bond that holds these embattled lovers despite their crippling flaws. He's recessive to the point of inertia. She's impulsive, with moods that change as frequently as the color of her hair -- the dyes range from blue to green to red mist. They're always hitting a wall. "Just because you talk constantly doesn't mean you're communicating," says Joel. <br><br>Carrey burrows far inside the emotionally withdrawn Joel until we see the soul worth saving. And Winslet, one of the best actresses anywhere, is electrifying and bruisingly vulnerable. All the actors have shining moments. Wood, eons away from Frodo, gets creepy laughs but also measures the loss of leading a stolen life. Dunst brings a wounded dignity to Mary's betrayed trust in Mierzwiak, enhanced by the dark melancholy Wilkinson invests in the role. And Ruffalo proves again that he can find dramatic nuance in the corners of comedy. When Mary asks Stan how she looked with Mierzwiak when she first developed a crush on the doc, he takes a beat. "You looked happy," he says, "with a secret." <br><br>Unlocking secrets is part of the richness of a fantasy film that grows increasingly real. Even the lyrics of the silly song that bears Clementine's name -- "lost and gone forever" -- take on a poignant resonance as Joel fights to keep Clementine in his head, forcing memories of her into his childhood, where she never played a part. Kaufman, Gondry and the pitch-perfect actors have crafted a remarkable film that can coax a smile about making the same mistakes in love and then sneak up and quietly break your heart. <br><br>PETER TRAVERS <br>(March 10, 2004) <br><br>Source: <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://www.rollingstone.com/" target="top">Rolling Stone</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--> <p></p><i></i>
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