Jim Carrey on Jonathan Ross
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Jim Carrey on Jonathan Rossi cant wait.....what other uk t.v is Jim doing? <p></p><i></i>
Re: Jim Carrey on Jonathan RossWHO WHAT WHEN WHERREEE???? I get BBC 1 and 2 ! YAY! <p>cableclair<br><br><!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://www.soiledmypants.com">www.soiledmypants.com</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--><-- my site<br>Failure isn't failure unless you give up...</p><i></i>
Re: Ooo!I wonder if they'll show it on BBC America?<br><br>That's the Only BBC Channel I Have with Digitial Cable. <br><br>Buut I could be Wrong? *L* I dont watch BBC. but I Will When Jimmy's on it <p>-----------------<br>"Bruce Giveth & Bruce Taketh. Don't Like it? Then MegaByte Me" -Bruce (Jim Carrey) "Bruce Almighty"<br><br>(Ace Banging on Melissa's door in the Middle of the Night)<br>Melissa: Who is it?<br>Ace (O.S.): Ira.<br>Melissa: Ira who?<br>Ace (O.S.): I refuse to do a 'knock knock joke'. Come on, open up! -"Ace Ventura: Pet Dective"<br><br>"Conan O'Brien will beat out Jim Carrey for the lead role in The Mask part II. I'm sorry, did I say the The Mask part II? I meant Mask part II- the Rocky Dennis story." -Jim Carrey "In The Year 2000: The Carrey Edition" On "Late Night With Conan O'Brien"<br><br>"Jim Carrey will commit his first murder of a fan after someone who just saw Bruce Almighty approaches Carrey and says 'Almighty then!" -Conan O'Brien "In The Year 2000: The Carrey Edition" On "Late Night With Conan O'Brien"<br><br><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/aceatalk.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--> My <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Jim_Carrey_Online/" target="top">Jim Carrey Group</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--> & <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://invisionfree.com/forums/JimCarreyOnlineUSA//" target="top">JCO: A Jim Carrey Fan Forum</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--> <!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/figleaf.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=http://pub76.ezboard.com/bjcomessageboard.showUserPublicProfile?gid=jimcarreyfan4lyfe>Jim Carrey Fan 4Lyfe</A> <IMG HEIGHT=10 WIDTH=10 SRC="http://www.gamespy.com/avatars/av/MR/mr482.gif" BORDER=0> at: 6/8/03 3:14 am<br></i>
If I'm right...He's gunna be on Friday 13th June, UK, BBC1 Friday Night with Jonathan Ross, 10:35-11:25 I've been to the site and that's basically all it says. Even this week's TV guide doesn't mention Jim, which probably means he confirmed late, or alternatively, the TV guide I have is crap, which is more plausable!<br><br>Sorry U.S. ppl I don't know about BBC America. If anyone finds anything else out, or can correct me in any way, please, go right ahead.<br><br>Fangz <p></p><i></i>
Jim on Jonathan RossHI everyone, I'm new here...<br><br>I was wondering if anyone could make me a copy of that interview with Jonathan Ross that was shown on the BBC a while ago... I had it on tape, but lost it :-(<br><br>If anyone, anwhere could copy it for me, that would be marvellous... I can either swap something in return, or send money to cover costs. I'm in the UK, but have a machine that will play NTSC (American) tapes... if anyone has it on CD, even better!<br><br>Either reply to this message, or drop me an email at purplebimbo@yahoo.com<br><br>Spank you!<br>Naomi <p></p><i></i>
Jim CarreyI watched that a few months ago and it was so funny. Jim has got to be the most funniest person alive, he is just so talented. He did an impression of Ace on it and sung at the end, aswell as other great stuff. <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :rollin --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/roll.gif ALT=":rollin"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :b --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/tongue.gif ALT=":b"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
I wana act in your filmsHI, I am a 14yr. Good looking Indian boy. Iam a very good<br> actor, dancer, swimmer, horserider.<br>I can imitate you very well. I am a big fan of yours.<br>Please do give me a chance to act in your films. I shall do my best & prove my worth.<br>Thanks.<br>Kind regards, <br>Shohab. <p></p><i></i>
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