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Carrey Predicts Early Deaths For Paparazzi

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Re: Paparazzi.

Postby JimCarreyschick » Wed Jan 19, 2005 1:54 am

I agree with both of you about this that they should ban paparazzi because think about it, How is Jim Carrey different from other people?. He isn't, he is a human being who has every right to do what he pleases and the right to privacy and I think the paparazzi only care about him for his money and they don't care about him at all, if they did care about celebrities especially Jim Carrey they would have respect and I think the media only cares about celebrities for thier money and that's wrong. Would you both like to help me make a potition to protect Jim Carrey from the paparazzi? I think that it's a good idea that you had JimLiker and Canadian Jayne. I think we should make a potition to ban the paparazzi from Jim Carrey and other celebs because I think it's only fair, I hate the paparazzi they are a bunch of a******s and b*****s to celebrities and have no respect of other people and only like celebs because they're rich not for them.

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Postby carreypunkrawker » Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:40 am

if a petition would help, we'd all love to help but petitions don't work for that stuff. sorry to say it Jen, but those photographers are always going to be a part of Jim's life. No one can do anything about it, not even Jim. he'd have to take every single media person or paparazzi person to court and that's a huge waste of time and hassle. he doesn't have that kind of time. Petitions aren't going to work for this. That's a fact. Believe me.
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Postby CinnamonGirl » Thu Jan 20, 2005 2:40 pm

The only way to stop paparazzi is to eliminate their source of income. As long as tabloid mags like Star, Us, ... continue to pay big bucks for candid shots of stars, the paparazzi will continue to flourish. The best thing the average Joe can do is to stop buying these magazines.

I remember watching an episode of the "Newlyweds" where the paparazzi were hounding Jessica very badly. I felt so sorry for her until I remembered that they often show her reading those trash mags and commenting on the photos. She's just feeding the tabloid machine by buying them.
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Postby Canadian Jayne » Fri Jan 21, 2005 8:19 pm

You're right just boycott whatever feeds the PAPARAZZI
that's all we can do.
They sure make the front of the magazines look good, but just
fight it and move on.
I'd rather read POPULAR SCIENCE anyway.
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Postby Alyonushka » Fri Jan 21, 2005 10:23 pm

Popular Science!?? Good:)

I fully share your opinion, but we also can't denye that paparazzi are a ve-ery good PR for stars, and they understand it well...
But I would also feel bad if somebody followed my every step with fotocamera.
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Postby quirky » Tue Feb 08, 2005 8:17 pm

There is a great movie on video now called "Paparazzi". I highly recommend it.

My mom used to be a devotee of the National Enquirer.

My father rolled his eyes in scorn.

I *do* enjoy the occasional "People" or "In Touch"...but I'll never buy an Enquirer again.

I think it's normal to be curious about our favorite celebs, but there's no doubt in my mind that the photogs step across the line of human decency on a regular basis.

That's why I laughed out loud at Jim's quote.

I cannot imagine how tense and stressful it would be to try to live out your one natural life in the harsh light of that kind of judgement and speculation.

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Postby Gouliovandamn » Tue Feb 08, 2005 10:42 pm

yeah i saw that movie... i really liked it because it is so true about how the paparazzi really annoy people who are famous... if it was me i would probably do the same thing as the guy in that movie.... i would also highly recomend it.....
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