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Jim has met God

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Jim has met God

Postby cotton » Thu Mar 07, 2013 7:43 pm

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Re: Jim has met God

Postby Catherine » Thu Apr 04, 2013 5:35 am

cotton wrote:

Gonna see this later but I wish Jim could send the last guy who tweeted him somewhere . I tell ya he is Nash tweets that guy , terrible , how can anyone say that to him, I feel bad when Jim gets hate full words , like that song I can't smile when you sad I feel sad when ursad, u know that one? Barry manilow?He need more sweet tweets , let's continue showing our love to him, he gives us so much joy, like the song you give me joy, :-) :-) :-) love u guys:-) :-)
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Re: Jim has met God

Postby fluffy » Thu Apr 04, 2013 8:27 am

People will use that anecdote to discredit Jim as a crazy but that's why they are called 'Vision Quests'. If you're dehydrated and left in the sun all day alone then the mind will do strange things...........nothing crazy about visions when you're in that state, at least he was still alive.......
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Re: Jim has met God

Postby Catherine » Thu Apr 04, 2013 8:42 pm

fluffy wrote:People will use that anecdote to discredit Jim as a crazy but that's why they are called 'Vision Quests'. If you're dehydrated and left in the sun all day alone then the mind will do strange things...........nothing crazy about visions when you're in that state, at least he was still alive.......

Ii did see this just now, i believe more than that, its true, i know it!
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Re: Jim has met God

Postby lspearman » Fri Apr 05, 2013 4:51 am

That's interesting to me I can remember years ago I was always so afraid of death and the end of the world it was like I thought about it all the time I didn't talk about it very much because I didn't want people to think I was crazy and you know how some people can be anyway I lost a baby one time and after a few days something went wrong and I almost bleed to death and my heart stopped and I can remember it was almost like I was kinda hovering over watching what was going on with myself and I have never felt that kind of peace ever but for some reason I guess it wasn't my time I'm still here but my point about that is that after that I was never afraid to die again at least not like before . I think from what I have seen Jim is a very kind man and is always looking for answers I also think he is really very thankful and would like to give back something really special that will live on after he's gone I know I see that he does a lot of that and that's a wonderful thing maybe that's why he's been so successful and it's a shame that people can't say do say and be their own self without someone having something negative to say about it because maybe they don't agree and the thing about Jim is everybody knows him so he really has to careful about what he says and that is a shame but I guess that's just the way it is. I guess for myself I felt like it was the lord showing me I had nothing to be afraid of and for Jim I think it was god maybe showing him that he was never alone ???? What ever the case may be I really hate that people are reacting the way they are about him at this moment but I know he's a very smart and strong man and hopefully it will be over before he knows it I think everyone has the right to there own opinion that's just mine..;-)
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Re: Jim has met God

Postby Catherine » Fri Apr 05, 2013 5:56 am

That's OK everything is gonna work out fine I just know it! He has angels with him , god is with him and I know god will guide him he will feel it, and do what is right in gods sight, :D I believe, oh I believe.Theres a reason... why, there's the answers right before our eyes , now think about Jesus he was guided by holy spirit everyttime trusting in god and he was right every time. Jc right every time, that's why so much persicution hate, devil father of the lie hates truth hates peace n love, he and his minions ppl on earth who support his cause wars hate lies, are going down and they know it...so full out attack on the chosen, ya...we got love on our side, god. They call it war, na. ,,its a spiritual warfare,fine fight to do what is right, if your not for me your against me right. Who opposes peace opposes god, he says to pursue peace and love one another, holy spirit helps Jim do that, cause I belive he was chosen ...I just know it
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Re: Jim has met God

Postby Catherine » Sat Apr 06, 2013 5:20 pm

:D happy Saturday :-) :-) was thinkingthis morning about this video and realized that James,prayed to God in a moment when he felt his life in danger,and he didn't have to shoot any dangerous preditors,so it made me think.....his faith is great :D and like I said God is with him, all the way . I think he is doing the same thing more now , for a reason a spiritual quest, he needs answers holy spirit guidance semms like to me he is receiving this guidance, God puts it in his heart what to say and what to do, even on a moments notice, things can change,te closer he becomes to the light, things are revealed to him becomes ever more bright . The light becomes brighter, the. Closer we are to the end of this system,'' a new one begins, peace on earth universal love sets in just like a prayer, on earth as it is in heaven, he said heaven is right here right now. On david Letterman show, so true. Heaven bliss state of mind, heart connected together, is created. The secret law of attraction is in play/progress and all who want peace and love workers come together, unity, become one in purpose, all for. Good, for pea e, for love , and even though the enemy tries to bring us down, he and his minions, will not win, because we have God on our side, we can be confident of this, the devil or Satan can take away a lot of things even our life, but he caanot give the most important thing of all and that is life! Only god can give and restore life, forever. James knows this too, God is love, gives love, and love is life, opposite of death, yes it is a part of this life , but there's a but....,in paradise other is no death no war no pain no hunger no sickness, only peace love and everlasting life. This life is temporary of course,w have angels messangers among us, to help bring comfort make a difference to the broken hearted and torn spirit, there is hope right here and now, we can taste paradise, now, be comforted, assured Satan and his worker'swho are not for peace, are going down. Love wins, Jamesfamous words he spelled out with Scrabble year half ago and he is true! Love wins all. I believe. I'm with him all the way support, till the end of my days, which are short, stand for what you believe support what's. Good and right and this certainly feels more than right. Sending out lots of love support good energy and vibrations to James,, continue doing gods work We believe in you! Peace.
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Re: Jim has met God

Postby fluffy » Sat Apr 06, 2013 11:52 pm

something very weird happened to me a long time ago and i really do think i was hovering between life and death..........i know it sounds weird but i was about 18 and i'd been really ill with pleurisy.....i was asleep but i seemed to wake and became aware that my breathing was slowing down to maybe 3 breaths a minute and i was aware of a very bright light ahead. Now i know this sounds like a bad dream but all i could think of was how wonderful and peaceful it felt.......seriously, it felt like the nicest feeling ever.....like a big cosy fluffy blanket of love and happiness...... :D when i breathed in my body felt weightless and i felt as though i was moving towards the light and when i breathed out i'd come back down gently...... :shock:
After a few minutes i became aware my breathing had stopped and i had to take a conscious breath and the warm fuzzies left and i became fully conscious........and bizarrely i felt bereft and sad i'd lost that peaceful feeling.....

Now, a skeptic might say it was a bad dream, but the fact that i'd been so ill with a lung condition makes me think my breathing was compromised that night and the light was basically caused by a lack of oxygen which is what scientists think causes the light we see when we die.......i really think i was fading that night.......it scared the crap out of me in some ways but if dying feels like that then there's nothing to fear........
Either way it was freaky........... :wink: :D
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Re: Jim has met God

Postby Catherine » Sun Apr 07, 2013 4:57 pm

I believeu fluffy girl, u were experiencing calm peace like when we are in a dying state,me too happened ur right dying not so bad, its peacefull, :-) but were not ready to go yet to the great spirit in the sky, not just yet, we have some good works to do still, re carreysangels. :-) :-) :-) love to you, c
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