You may think it's vermin on the ridiculous but it is indeed true - today is officially World Rat Day. The little rodent rascals have historically had a pretty bad reputation, whether portrayed as disease-spreading pests or food-thieving scamps.
But rat fans the world over are sticking up for their furry friends by celebrating the sixth annual World Rat Day.
The purpose of the occasion, which began with a small internet community six years ago, is to repair the image of the rat.
Through positive promotion, rat enthusiasts hope to use World Rat Day to show that pet rats are ‘intelligent, devoted, clean, gentle and lovable’.
Rat lovers typically celebrate World Rat Day by inviting family and friends over for parties, ‘bearing gifts and treats for unsuspecting and rats’.
Some people even give hand-crafted World Rat Day cards to fellow enthusiasts and their rodent companions.
gotta love our furry