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Really good movies:

Postby Canadian Jayne » Fri Nov 09, 2007 9:48 pm

The Persuit of Happyness movie with Will Smith and the Farmer Astronaut, both excellent. Very worth seeing. Anyone else on here see these movies?
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Postby fluffy » Fri Nov 09, 2007 10:00 pm

i saw the pursuit of hapiness last weekend and loved it.......The fact that it's a true story made it........ :D

fluffy :D
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Postby sprousefan23 » Fri Nov 09, 2007 11:21 pm

I haven't seen the Astronaut Farmer...but yeah, Pursuit of Happiness was good! tho, it did feel like it was dragging.
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Postby fluffy » Fri Nov 09, 2007 11:24 pm

i confess i was irritated by his determination to keep his son with him when his mum could have looked after him better for that year....no kid should sleep in a public loo!

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Postby Happygal » Sat Nov 10, 2007 7:17 pm

Surfs Up! That is a funny movie! :P
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I'll have to see surf's up.....

Postby Canadian Jayne » Wed Nov 14, 2007 4:22 pm

sounds interesting. Watching a bunch of oldie goldies from the library right now, cheap and you can keep them longer than a day.
Saw #2 of the Pirattes of the Caribean(probably spelled wrong sorry)
for the first time, still have yet to see #1.
Ya.. sleeping in the lu does not appeal to me either, thankfully, I've never had to do that...yet but not having enough to eat and a place to sleep can be overpoweringly awful, I'm amazed the real guy actually got through it all. The mom probably didn't know, the father would probably not volunteer the information believe me, I know, my kids went to live with their dad for a few years, their both back now and I'm still hearing stories that curdle me wondering how I could have been so naive and stupid to not ask or be more insistant on details.
I wonder how his son and him are now? What effects it had on his son.
It said that he sold the business, so quite a few years have passed by.
One isn't sure the mom could have done better, maybe it was just as hard for her at that time too.
When you hear about Astronaut Farmer you think that the guy is a farmer building a rocket or something but he's not, Astronaut Farmer is like saying President Bush, it is a title with the last name. But it is a great movie about perseverance.
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Postby fluffy » Wed Nov 14, 2007 5:20 pm

I have to admit that irrespective of how much folk moan about our NHS and welfare system it is a safety net......we're really very lucky in Britain for that . It's not perfect, but it's there.........
re movies.....my fav horror of all time is 'the Omen'.......the original.........such a classy movie..... :D

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Postby mr.sparkles » Thu Nov 15, 2007 6:29 pm

that movie with adam sandler as charlie findman [*fineman]?? i dont know if its called charlie findman [*fineman] or what but thats a movie i just saw and i was fascinated by the brilliance of it!! :D good job sandler!! :) *puts on a dorky face alongside a thumbs up* :lol: :o
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Postby sprousefan23 » Thu Nov 15, 2007 11:57 pm

^ I agree! That's the one where Sandler looks like Bob Dylan! :lol:
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