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What's your exercise regime?

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What's your exercise regime?

Postby Filomena » Thu Jul 19, 2007 3:02 pm

As someone who's struggled with my weight all my life, I've had my share of successes and failures with keeping myself looking and feeling healthy.

Lately, (as many of you know) I've become a vegan/raw food advocate, because I personally feel it's the way things are meant to be. But I love to do tae bo (have been doing this for years), and I've been doing a lot of Kathy Smith's weight resistance regime. I'm a huge exercise advocate, not just to control your weight, but because it's important to be active and keep yourself toned. Plus, if it makes you feel good, then it has to be good!

To feel healthy, you need to watch what you eat, and understand what food does to your body. Don't go into those weight loss programs, and have other people do the thinking for you. You have to learn and understand the effects of food to your health. Education is the key.

And find an activity that you love to do, to keep yourself active and feeling great.

Don't believe what all those starlets are saying out there. To keep themselves looking good, they either exercise obsessively or eat hardly anything at all. Plus, they spend thousands of dollars on botox, liposuction and collagen impants, and then lie about it. That's not real, and that's not healthy.

Also important - you should be looking good and feeling healthy for yourself. You don't need to do it for other people. It's about how you feel, not what others think.
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Postby lammy » Thu Jul 19, 2007 8:57 pm

yep with the technology today stars can look good without lifting a finger . :D

This past week I've been eating a lot after a month of watching what I eat . I bought soda and that's no good . :lol: I haven't ate bread in months but had spaghetti the other day - :lol:

I do excercise . And excercise is a good way to get rid of the fat in the foods we eat .
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Postby Twigggy » Fri Jul 20, 2007 6:57 am

I'm not one for eating a lot of fatty-foods, but I love my beer, damn it. The past year or so I noticed I was getting a bit of a beer belly...and it seemed to clash with the rest of my body, which is pretty thin. So I started lifting weights a lot, doing sit-ups, and I usually try to sweat my ass off on the treadmill every day. It helps a lot. I always take a sh**-load of vitamins: A, B-Complex, C, D, E--the natural E, of course...that synthetic swill is really bad for you.
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Postby fluffy » Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:04 am

Sounds like you have it pegged Twigs......... :wink: .......and hell, we all have our weaknesses. If chocolate was alcoholic i'd be a lost cause, living under a bridge with all the other chocaholics......lmao :lol: :lol: :lol:

fluffy :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby sprousefan23 » Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:58 pm

^ You'd totally see me there with ya fluffs! :lol:
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