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My plan to defeat the terrorists.

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My plan to defeat the terrorists.

Postby quirky » Tue Apr 18, 2006 5:14 pm

I've been focusing my attention on the disturbing events in our world and I have an idea that doesn't involve bombs and warfare. I must give props to Bush #1 for inspiration.

Clearly, terrorists are angry people. They get angry over lots of things, like "There's an Israel... let's go bomb something." "I don't have enough land to test my shrapnel bombs, let's invade Kuwait."

One of the things that is irritating to a person is to have your name continuously mispronounced. Think how easy it is to misprounonce any given terrorist's name.

During the first Gulf War (the liberation of Kuwait) president Bush always referred to Saddam as SADdam...accent on the first syllable, first syllable pronouced like "sad". I wish the media and commentators had ALL been on the mispronunciation bandwagon....but they would say, "SadDAM." Now, you and I know that's how it should be pronounced....but SadDAM sounds powerful...like someone who COULD rule a nation whereas SADdam sounds like someone you'd find hiding in a dirt hole.

It's a psychological thing. We know the terrorists watch CNN and BBC and FOX to find out what's going on. If we could just get all the major players on board we could launch this intense plan to discombobulate Al Qaeda (suggested pronunciation Al Keeda) and throw the terrorists into a frame of mind to make them screw up. Here's what I mean:

Al Quaeda - Al Keeda
Zacarias Moussaoui - Vicarious Moussaka
Osama Bin Laden - Oh Sammy Bin Liner
Ayman Al Zawahiri - Hey Man Oh Ziplocahiri

Isn't it deliciously simple? Think of the agitation it would cause to terrorist leaders. It could knock them into a place where they might get too angry and slip up. I think it's worth a try, but it'll be hard to get everyone to cooperate.
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Quirky, interesting Idea!

Postby Canadian Jayne » Tue Apr 18, 2006 5:28 pm

I think alot of people are trying that, I think Jay Leno has tried it too.
I think it may get them even more angry though, like feeding the fire.
It's hard to say but what about where all men are weak, I think they should start there. Maybe that's how we'll win it.
Actually I wish no one was at war, it's only the poor and down trodden that get hurt, killed, maimed. The big wigs always seem to get away and
survive another day. They have the connections. Sad but true.

Song" War! Hoo! What is it good For?! Absolutely, Nothin!!!!
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Postby fluffy » Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:00 pm

lol.........in a previous job we used to do that deliberately to alleviate the boredom............it was good fun........asking for Mr Frizzle and Ms Sidebottom..........lol............
but if folk are that anal about names they almost deserve to be teased........lol

fluffy :wink:
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My dad would do this too....to my sister's boyfriend's

Postby Canadian Jayne » Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:31 pm

If he didn't like the guy, my dad would call him anything but the guys name... maybe he was as forgetful as me and we just didn't see it...
but I remember my sister's husband getting so irritated that my dad still didn't say his name right. Heeeehehe..
Eventually Dad remembered his name but it took awhile.
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