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Here is where you discuss everything under the sun, just keep it clean.


Postby Canadian Jayne » Tue Dec 06, 2005 7:30 pm

I feel somewhat the same way Jim does, my concern is that they
have all decided to hold an election when.....

I'll be to DDDmmm COLD!
How are the seniors going to get out and not get sick? :shock:
If there are car accidents going to the election due to the weather is
the government going to pick up the tab? :?
It's costly enough as it is Doing the whole process over again,
What are they saying"let's just spend more of the taxpayers money?" :roll:

Flu season will be around then. :cry:
Everyone uses the same pencil, just pass it on right?? :shock:

Why didn't they just wait until April, spring, better outlook, people are more positive when the better weather comes.
They remind me of a bunch of babies....
"I want in, I want in" having a temper tantrum
Reminds me of when my kids would have a tantrum, I'd just walk away,
into another room, finally they'd stop and come and talk.

The canundrum is: Many people feel most of the people are in cahoots and there really is no one any good to vote for.
I'll do what I did last time. Listen to the true issues.
Pray hard and decide at the last minute. If I vote I know within myself I did the best I could do. I do as much as I can and God will take over the rest after all he's the big Man in charge and I'm sure he'll cause a big shake up if there needs t be one, He has control over the weather etc., but still I must do what I can and the government boys will be accountable in the end. I wonder what kind of conversations will happen when God talks to the politician, and other corruptors, I bet they will be interesting.
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Canadian Jayne
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