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Juice fast.........

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Juice fast.........

Postby fluffy » Sun Jul 14, 2013 8:52 am

i'm just about to start a juice fast to re-boot and clear out my system.....the holidays seem a perfect time to do it......has anyone done a juice fast and if so do you have any advice..... :D
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Re: Juice fast.........

Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon Jul 15, 2013 4:24 am

When I fast I usually try for 24 hours for
spiritual and physical reasons
I find the best time is on your body's timeline
so in sinc with it.
Due to my age ,I find it easier to start my fast between noon
and 8:00 p.m.
Recently I tried the 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. the next day
It worked out really well for me, not everyone will be the same.

I have to be careful because sometimes I get low blood sugar,
so I take juice if I feel myself getting dizzy or really fainty tired.
But you need to do what is best for you're body.
You're body needs to get use to the idea so going for eg.30 percent of your day the first time seeing how you feel, keep a journal.

Then maybe the next month try 50 percent(eg. 12 hours) without food, drink if you're thirsty especially in this hot, hot weather, listen to the triggers your body makes.
Not a good idea to just do whole thing at once when beginning.

I try to fast once a month but if I'm sick or not feeling well, I wait
for a day when I feel pretty good.
Don't engorge the day before, this makes it worse and harder.
Also don't overeat after, start with good food but not too much.

After a fast I am so thankful for food and vedgetables, things just
seem to taste better.

Also ask your doctor for some tips if your body could take it, if you have any doubt. Also certain medical conditions and medication suggest that you not fast. So always be careful.
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Re: Juice fast.........

Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon Jul 15, 2013 4:34 am

Oops I almost forgot...
After a fast (eg. the next day)
energy level can be quite low, don't have alot of
running around planned, it's like resetting your body,
give it time.

As I get older, my energy is less the next day.
Give you're body time to recover, read, exercise some
During this hot weather be really careful to hydrate.
If you are really active don't go out and do your usual
fast paced workout, take it down a pace(or a few paces)

but always do what's best for you
Over the week work up to the usual schedule
That's what I do and it works for me
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Re: Juice fast.........

Postby fluffy » Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:08 am

thanks CJ........I did a juice for lunch yesterday and had a salad for dinner so i'm taking your advice and phasing it in gradually......... :D
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Re: Juice fast.........

Postby Catherine » Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:00 pm

OMG there is a GOD!! WOW WHEN are you starting that!! IM excited now!!! I wanna do it with you can I???
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
me gootta loose 20 pounds, no 17 cause i need to get in my plether pants again..lol...seriously, let do it sister!!
when u wanna start!!
now okay
juice fast, 3 days, just juice got to get a jack lalaine juicer
apples and carrots organic, in the AM
then drink water all day, then have more juice in the PM
cucumber and apples...and yummy yumm yumm
do it for 3 days, at least
then do the same after that for a month, but add a nice big huge salad with kale apples, walnuts greens, avacoado and mango and, love and peace and then your happy man...oh so happy, unless you want to do the juice fast for 7 days, let me know i do it with you girl and exercies too, i started that exerecise thing today..and ya im pumped...are you?
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Re: Juice fast.........

Postby fluffy » Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:24 pm

well i'm taking the first few days easy until my system is used to it so i'm not even thinking about the gym until Thurs.......i feel clearer headed and more alert already though........ :D I'm mixing it up with juices and smoothies too so i get the fibre.....i've also got an amazing wee gadget called a yonanas which makes bananas into ice-cream without adding anything to them......it's like alchemy, absolutely briliant........lol..... :D

so far i've tried -

spinach, orange, apple and pink grapefruit juice

banana and strawberry smoothie

banana, spinach, strawberry and kiwi smoothie

and i can't praise that wee processor 'the genie' enough.........it's so handy and efficient........ :D
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Re: Juice fast.........

Postby Catherine » Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:18 pm

Okay im on the juice fast now!! fast
doin it..feel clearity already man..feels good
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Re: Juice fast.........

Postby Catherine » Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:06 am

I'm hungry but I'm okay with it day 1 juice fast
I had 2 large fresh made juices with
Cucumber apples :roll: and...oh beets
Then I made a smoothie with cucumber n apple juice
Strawberry banana spinach n that's it now I'm going to bed hungry but I'm okay with it
I'm sure tommorow will be inspiring oh I know
Fasted a lot n moses did too
Jc real healthy
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Re: Juice fast.........

Postby fluffy » Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:49 pm

todays juice......kale
and a bowl of yonanas 'ice cream'..........seriously folk, if you like banana ice cream you gotta get one of these miracle workers.....i can't praise it enough.........lol.... :D
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Re: Juice fast.........

Postby EvaAraujo » Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:24 pm

I need to that too.
Some form to detox my body cause I haven't done, ever and I think my body could use it.
I'm just not sure I can eat just juice though. :D
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Re: Juice fast.........

Postby Canadian Jayne » Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:42 pm

I can't eat raw bananas.. gives me horrid stomach aches
but I love the grapefruit juice and have
had good results with it for loosing weight
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Re: Juice fast.........

Postby EvaAraujo » Thu Jul 18, 2013 6:47 pm

Canadian Jayne wrote:I can't eat raw bananas.. gives me horrid stomach aches
but I love the grapefruit juice and have
had good results with it for loosing weight

Funny. For diarrhea bananas are the best. Trust me! :lol:
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Re: Juice fast.........

Postby Canadian Jayne » Thu Jul 18, 2013 9:24 pm

But my body can't digest
If I avoid canola
my system is gud
but adding bananas would
do more harm than gud
red licorice is gud
for some who run to the loo
but high in calories
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Re: Juice fast.........

Postby Catherine » Fri Jul 19, 2013 12:35 am

you guys are good!!
im on day 3 too
today i had,...
oh beets
carrots in juicer and i added watermellon man it was good!!! sweeet!!
sweeter than honey but not as sweeet as our JC!!!!!!! woot
anyways, also i drink this coconut water the one on sale but read the labels cause it may have sugar, just cocnut water that and lots of water, i go to the loo loo, at night, kinna sucks but i keep my eyes closed (good thing im not a bloak,ha ha) so i can go back to sleep easy, if i open my eyes im toast, and im doing my own thing exercising, and gonna do this for a while, i love bananas, i make my own ice cream wiith them frozen and some cocoa powder, kinna hungry but im okay with it..In JC we Trust man!! he s the expert on this kinna stuff ...ya mon...cool, real cool!! speakin about cool

August is almost here! we were getting 7 books commin to the store, 7
cool how rollland rolls!!!! comming real soon, oh i think i will fast till they arrive good idea,,,,hey is it me or is it that when i write, its like they are jumping off the page the words,,must be mee,,,and i dont even drink coffee and thats a big huge deal man....woooot!!! im happy when i fast, on juice man,,and did you all see that smile today!!! its that Carrey Smile!! take your through the day makes it all worthwhile!!!! remedy Carrey, therapy on the way.................................................................................COOL
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Re: Juice fast.........

Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:47 pm

Question for ya Catherine
How does juice fasting affect your teeth?
Just wondering.
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