Music wise, what are you listening to right now?Re: Music wise, what are you listening to right now?Merry Xmas everyone. Here's to a happy, healthy and peaceful 2014! Fluffy
Re: Music wise, what are you listening to right now?Lovely Fluffy, just like the church mass music in my country 15 min to 6 am on the 24 of December when we have our Christmas.
Now I only need the smell of Cuba cigars. Then it will be a perfect childhood memory. This image will have to do it for me. And some Boney M to for everybody [video]"> Happy holidays to you all
Re: Music wise, what are you listening to right now?I love rock covers. The wasted youth, the pretty lies, the ugly truth. Only to find, I've come alive.
Re: Music wise, what are you listening to right now?Hi 23 nice cover
I am going to post some Boney M to for everybody again
Re: Music wise, what are you listening to right now?Thankyou
for sharing all of the above "Man is that he might have joy" isn't there a song called "Make a joyful noise"?
Re: Music wise, what are you listening to right now?Yes C.j. Men are made to have fun here on earth and people like Jim help
us smiling and that is just awesome. God thinks so to. this was the best version I found C. J. there was another version that was funny tho a choir of Girls and on of them was making funny noises, that was kind of cute and funny.
Re: Music wise, what are you listening to right now?Happy New Year Song
I think the little guitar is cute The 5 minutes is kinda long though
Re: Music wise, what are you listening to right now?A newer New Year's song:
Re: Music wise, what are you listening to right now?What a beautiful song C.J. I started to think of how this vision is possible or the vision of peace with every human being on earth That is every single person needs to find there
own peace in their heart's John 14:27 - Gift from Jesus "I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid. Then I found a nice song to have fun and melt some heart's. I thought of how people become angry and scared and selfish when they are afraid of loosing something. They do not comprihend that all is within us. Written on our hearts. I forget sometimes to when in a hurry so here is a song for us all to learn these things. (Hope you like for your small granchildren and for you self, I am going to learn it for myself ) Happy new year! May this year be peaceful for us all.
Re: Music wise, what are you listening to right now?Boney M has been on my mind this
week listening to those good old tunes Thought of Jim when I heard this one Since rumour has it he's going to reveal some of his paintings
Re: Music wise, what are you listening to right now?Paintings! that would be interesting to see. I was listening to Abba and now I am listening
to Toby Mac.
Re: Music wise, what are you listening to right now?To me Boney M
showed that you can have great Christian music and still be professional and serve music lovers around the world There is some really terrific music out there a lot of great tunes came through in 2013 and some did have Christian values in them.
Re: Music wise, what are you listening to right now?for example this song
by Jason Mraz-I won't give up God never gives up on us
Re: Music wise, what are you listening to right now?The previous postedsong was made in
2012 but this one was done this year by E Goulding Often the Holy Ghost refers to a" burning in your bosom" See the lyrics and it refers to love
Re: Music wise, what are you listening to right now?Beautiful burn lyric I raise you and give you fire.
Which is referring to Holy ghost and power of God love. and zzzzzzzzzzzzz
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