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Why I am not a cat person....

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Postby fluffy » Wed Sep 28, 2005 6:14 pm

if she lay on your tummy she trusts you..............and probably luvs you too...........lol.............
let her sleep on your bed.........it's so sweet........they snore and have little dreams like us.......... :wink:

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Postby quirky » Thu Sep 29, 2005 4:48 pm

You were SO right. Now she follows me everywhere.

Last night when my cousin came home he laid down (laid, layed, lied - I totally never got them straight in school) and he said, "Now for some quality kitty time."

The cat was sitting on the floor...

He said, "Here Nikita! *kissing noise* C'mere Nikita! Here Kitty! Meoow meeoow meeeow....."

The cat just sat and looked at him with its huge powder blue eyes. It was very funny, but also kinda pathetic.

So today I'm not giving the cat as much attention because I don't want to replace my cousin in her affections. Even though she stalked me into the shower.
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Postby fluffy » Thu Sep 29, 2005 5:02 pm

awe....she sounds adorable..........................................

she is obviously a nursey cat...........and you are her patient ..........she will get you better........... :wink: .....trust in furry cuddles...........lol

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Postby carreyd away » Fri Sep 30, 2005 8:50 am

My neighbor's cat, an unneutered tom, has sired many demon spawn cats to the point I have had to call the animal rescue and have them caught and taken to a cat adoption home. The cats clawed the crap out of the beams in my back yard patio, shredded the cusions on my outdoor patio furniture, broken fence boards, pottery, lied in the potted plants, used my planter boxes and graveled area for litter boxes. They have marked and sprayed everything within reach. There are constant cat fights outside my bedroom on the adjoining fence. I could go on and on.

I have had many conversations with the neighbors, politely asking them to keep the cats inside or think of having them fixed. The woman slammed the door in my face and called me a bitch. It wasn't until one hot day, one cat clawed it's way through my screen door, sprayed the walls in my hallway, went onto my counter and shredded the bread wrapper and knocked over items that were on the counter onto the floor. I had had enough. I called the Animal regulation to find out my rights. Apparently, because it's a cat, it does not have to be licensed or registered within the county. I can trap it, but the owner can reclaim it. They suggested I talk to the neighbor. (Gee thanks.) I was soooooo mad! If this were a dog that was loose it would have been snatched up and the owners fined, but because cat's are "free spirits" it is tolerated? I wrote them a letter, took photos of the cat in action and sent them a bill for the cost to replace the cushion, the plants and various items. I told them if they did not take responsibility for their animal I would take them to court. Now before all the cat lovers get all in an uproar for me not loving this cat or the offspring, these white trash owners rarely feed or leave water for their animals. The cats are just one of many animals. I know the tom cat is constantly on the prowl for food and water. I finally convinced an animal regulator to come and have a look in their back yard. Once she saw the conditions of the dogs and rabbits she immediately confiscated all their animals. It took two years to get action. I tried to make friends with the cat, I left food and water for it, but it was like godzilla rampaging my property. It gave me no respect and it wasn't a feral cat. The neighbor kids would dress it up like a baby and push it around in a stroller. I think it just hated me. But now they all have a home where they can be fed and happy and I have a stink free back yard again.
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RE: Cats.

Postby Countess Olafina squalor » Fri Sep 30, 2005 9:12 am

my cat is absolutely purrfect.
yours sincerly, Countess Olafina equalor
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Postby mav » Fri Sep 30, 2005 2:54 pm

Aw carreyed_away, that was terrible!
Last edited by mav on Fri Sep 30, 2005 4:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby fluffy » Fri Sep 30, 2005 3:12 pm

You did the right thing getting the inspectors in though...........animals deserve a clean, safe, appropriate home.....with food and love...........

The Tom-cat obviously needs his Goolies chopped off though...........lol

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Postby mav » Fri Sep 30, 2005 4:49 pm

Uhhhhhh! :lol That's not how it's done....it's a delicate surgical procedure. sry, that just made me shudder :shock:
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Postby fluffy » Fri Sep 30, 2005 4:53 pm

lol.............in Australia the sheep shearers remove goolies with their teeth!!...........then they cook and eat them...........seriously!! :shock:

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Postby quirky » Fri Sep 30, 2005 5:32 pm

I had roomates in West Virginia. A married couple. They had a Tom that they refused to spay and it sprayed all over the house. That is a smell that makes me nauseous so I always kept my bedroom door (my room was in the basement) SHUT. One day somehow it got opened and the cat sprayed in there. That night I was gagging in bed. I got Lysol....everything and NOTHING would cut through that smell.

And they had a chocolate lab that I absolutely LOVED, but occasionally it would do its business in the basement. I'd have to hold my breath going downstairs and into my room.

Once, they left it down there for THREE days (and it got progressively worse) while they argued about whose turn it was to pick it up. Finally on the fourth day I said, "I don't care WHOSE TURN it is to clean it up, if you don't do it RIGHT NOW, I'm going to put it on your pillow!!!"

They were quite upset with me.
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Postby quirky » Thu Oct 06, 2005 9:01 pm

Last night, Mav asked if I was starting to bond with the cat.

I said, "I tolerate the cat."

She had been very good lately, then last night she barfed on the kitchen floor. :roll:
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Postby fluffy » Thu Oct 06, 2005 9:13 pm

awe...............she was sick.......the poor wee soul...........you'll miss her when you move on y'know............and b4 you know it you'll be down your local pet shelter.........whether it's for a cat or a bird or a fish.......lol...........
i think pets should be issued on the NHS here..........lol.........(but only if they're looked after and loved)...........

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Postby quirky » Thu Oct 06, 2005 9:15 pm

whether it's for a cat or a bird or a fish

I got to play with a German Shepherd the other night. If it's anything I think it'll be a dog.
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Postby fluffy » Thu Oct 06, 2005 9:43 pm


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Postby thecablegal » Thu Oct 06, 2005 9:46 pm

Dogs are cool. I had a dog called Sam, but he was hyperactive, and I was only 11. I was terrified of the thing! I used to hide myself in the garden shed, cos I knew he wouldn't find me there. He was just a lonely pup, who wanted all my love, but he was way too over the top, and I used to just run away. Mum took him to the RSPCA.
We've had cats ever since. I've had 4 in total, 2 have passed away, and I still have 2 of them. One of them walks with a limp, so she's visiting the vet tomorrow... Oh, she'll love me for that...
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