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THOSE EVIL, EVIL B*STARDS.........................

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Postby fluffy » Fri Jul 08, 2005 11:38 pm

49 dead as at 11.30pm on friday pm..........expected to rise...

compare us to Madrid and US and we got off really lightly......it's still awful though..........

fluffy :P
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Postby Filomena » Sat Jul 09, 2005 12:03 am

I agree totally with your comment, Quirky,

Only when people realize that killing has no place in religion

It's sad, tragic, and unless religious leaders get their noses out of their self-pious asses, it's going to continue.

Who is responsible for all this crap? And most importantly, why? Why are you doing this? There has to be a reason. Terrorist attacks are never an act of God. Nothing violent is ever something God condones. And they still don't get it. You're not going to get any sympathy with any of your causes when you kill people to get attention.

My heart goes out to everyone who's been affected by this.
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Postby fluffy » Mon Jul 11, 2005 5:28 pm

there is a beautiful website which is having so many hits it is going into meltdown............it has pics of defiance at the London bombings....they are pics sent from all over the world...........

i can't give you the address just now as the limit has been reached at the moment.........the bloke in charge is in the middle of sorting it out...but if you type in We're not afraid you hopefully will gain access....

America and Spain, we can now look you in the face, we are in this together now..............!

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Postby searching_for_sunshine » Mon Jul 11, 2005 8:22 pm

filmomena, the sad thing about the extremists/terrorists is that they do not care about sympathy for their cause - they only want to eliminate the enemy. that is especially scary because, most of us, as human beings, have been taught compassion, compromise and logic. this is not logical behavior to most of us and that makes it very hard to overcome.
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Postby lammy » Tue Jul 12, 2005 4:20 am

I'm speechless, but how do you guys feel about a movie based on the 911 tragedy? I heard about it through the spanish news....I guess Nicolas cage is going to play a hero, or something like this.
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Re: THOSE EVIL, EVIL B*STARDS.........................

Postby Twigggy » Wed Jul 27, 2005 11:58 pm

Fluffy, who in the world are in the "Evil Bastards"? Tony Blair is at fault, so is George W. Bush. They are the evil ones here. So are the "terrorists". Do you honestly believe the war in Iraq is a good thing? First the war was about WMDS we need to get them! Now it's about Liberating the poor people of Iraq; do you really believe it's worth the sacrifice of all these lives?
I am so sick and tired of reading all of this right-wing swill about terrorists being the enemies. It is true in a way, but there is more than one enemy. And I am sick and tired of Republicans saying it the way it is. Goddamn it, shut the hell up and let others say what they think. Anyone who goes against Bush, today seems to "Hate America" Bullshit! We love America and we do not want to be the best; we only want to live our lives in peace and away from all this hate and war. We should leave other Countrys alone and live in peace. Did not you fools learn from vietnam? I thought watergate was evil well I was wrong! Nixon had more balls even than George Bush. Nixon caved in and sent the troops home. This current administration is so crooked I wouldn't put a damn thing past them. And no matter how many of your children are in the war dont put a goddamn dent in what I think. It only makes you sound more ignorant. And BTW this is America, we should all be entitled to our opinion, this is not nazi Germany, or is it?
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Postby xmassmurdere » Thu Jul 28, 2005 12:14 am

It isnt like the people in american want to be in iraq. it has been hard for people all over the world but there is not much we can do in the current situation since BUSH :evil: is still here. the united states govenrment has been trying to remove saddam hussein from power in iraq ever since the cold war this event might lead to world peace someday but dont get me wrong, i dont like bush i think he just want to make himself richer from the oil mines in iraq and to get himself in history books as the one that took out saddam hussein but this is WAY overdoing it

if the iraqis resent the american, why not just get the troops out :?: the government is already being established
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Postby searching_for_sunshine » Thu Jul 28, 2005 12:21 am

ok...i may ruffle a few feathers and for that i am sorry BUT....

first of all i think the real "evil bastards" ARE the terrorists...it is unbelievable that these people can harbor such hate and yet think these actions get them into "heaven" and if that's racial profiling, i'm sorry. if an extremist baptist organization was blowing up trade centers, trains, etc. they would be stopped. why isn't the general (non-extremist) muslim population taking care of al queida so the world doesn't have to???!!

2) yes Bush is definitely an evil bastard but of a more terrible kind...he is the "leader of the free world" (said with tongue firmly in cheek) and yet the driving force behind this man is OIL. is this not evident enough? what makes him more evil is that he is PERCEIVED to be a wonderful, christian man with his finger on the moral pulse of this nation. we have here a man that wanted to go "get" bin laden and after "losing" him, changed his mind and made this about WMD and saddam hussein (who, by the way, in case you were keeping track, was in IRAQ) not even thinking that the american people would be suspicious that all of a sudden it's a different cause AND country that we were fighting. i think there are a lot of "sheep" in america but that takes some cahones to think no one would notice. but you know what???!!! somehow the US voted him in again???!!! WTF!

3) however, when it comes to tony blair, i feel really sorry for him. you can tell that he'd like to stand up against bush a little more but i think doesn't want to ruffle too many allied feathers. you can tell by his face that he would like to take even more of his stance and the stance of the people of HIS country.

i'll get off my soapbox now and await the barrage :wink:
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Postby fluffy » Thu Jul 28, 2005 10:04 am

The Bastards are those who take lives needlessly............i'm not going into the Iraq war.............the thread was specific to the terrorist bombings.........

It's such a bloody mess...........it's beginning to feel as though we are about to enter into a worldwide race/religious war.........can't we all co-exist in peace??.............

It's so sad......... :cry:

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Postby Jimenem » Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:18 pm

Well the problem is people have their own opinions, and they feel obligated to force their opinions onto other people and when the other people feel just as strongly about their opinion, thats the begining of a war. It's really unavoidable as long as people remailn so prideful.
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Postby lammy » Fri Jul 29, 2005 6:26 pm

I agree but there is no reason for violance..but humans think that they can do to others as they please cause God is going to reward them with who knows what!! I dislike hate- :?
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Postby xmassmurdere » Fri Jul 29, 2005 8:06 pm

can't politicians and others discuss problems like civilized human begins? why do they have to go at each other's throat's whenever they don't just give up some of their wants in exchange for their needs it would be much more peaceful
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Postby Jimenem » Sun Jul 31, 2005 12:28 am

I dislike hate-

Well put Lammy. :D
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Postby Twigggy » Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:00 am

I agree about "The bastards being the ones doing the killings" but everything happens for a reason. 85 percent of the British people now believe that there is a connection between the London bombings and the Iraq conflict. 85 percent, holy Lord!
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Postby lammy » Mon Aug 01, 2005 4:03 am

I am just sad that this world can't be at peace for once in history..Jesus died for all of us to live in the truth and people still lie their behinds off- :? Plus kill,molest,steal,cheat,blah-blah-blah..this is a subject that is depressing cause I can't do anything about it- :?
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