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discussion/debaters corner

Postby fluffy » Thu Jul 17, 2008 4:05 pm

post any general discussions/debates here...i'll start... :wink: A famous A list couple have admitted they have an open marriage.....what do folk think about open marriages in general?

fluffy :D
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Postby cotton » Thu Jul 17, 2008 4:09 pm

Which couple?

i think it is stupid. Why bother marrying a person if you are not going to be commited to them.
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Postby grinchy steve » Thu Jul 17, 2008 4:56 pm

What Cotton said. What's the point of a marriage if you don't do the things it stands for in the first place?
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Postby fluffy » Thu Jul 17, 2008 8:30 pm

normally i'd agree but Hellyweird is such a unique case, temptation is everywhere......the girls are predators, the blokes narcissists...maybe it is the ideal situation there......

fluffy :roll:

re the couple........it's everywhere on the net now.......check perez :wink:
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What is an Open Marriage?

Postby Canadian Jayne » Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:49 pm

Definition please?
Is it where you allow each person to be an individual?

Many people in marriages somewhat cut off the other person from friends and family, discourage pursuit of goals, is that what you mean?.

Is an open marriage where space for the person to be an individual or is it more than that?. Need specifics..
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Postby fluffy » Fri Jul 18, 2008 4:56 pm

An Open marriage in this case is one where either partner is free to have intimate relations with other parties........as long as neither falls in love with the third parties or makes their partner feel humiliated........in basic terms they can sleep with who they like if the temptation becomes overwhelming.........lol .......i guess the stars spend so long away from home some would be tempted by that .......

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My mom would call those people "Bushy People"

Postby Canadian Jayne » Fri Jul 18, 2008 5:37 pm

People from the Bush, I guess alot of people in Hollywood land are like that, but some people up in the boonies are like that too, trade offs etc. Each to their own. Their the ones who are accountable. I know some interesting stories.

Probably would never be in that situation. If your not in the situation you don't have to decide what to do. Don't think I could tolerate it on either side. I believe in being true and faithful, I guess it could get pretty difficult if you are in the wrong situation, I think acting can get out of hand, they should have their spouse close by, or use alot of cold,cold water, "hey where are those water guns", multi purpose, paparazzi and potentially hot tango situations or just to refuse to be in a situation that could get out of hand, if they make enough money, they can do it.

I think movies also show too much, I think most movies should be tastefully tempting not ignorantly explicit, most people have an imagination. Just the scene of someone closing the curtains or going under the covers is enough,if lighting, and atmosphere is used. Reality is, people have imaginations, let them use it. I know many people out there will disagree, but this is how I feel and I know I am not everyone.

I don't judge, people will adapt to their situation, they have the choice, and people will be accountable for what they do in the end.
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Postby lammy » Fri Jul 18, 2008 6:34 pm

Then why get married ? :roll:
Bah hum bug!!!!
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Postby fluffy » Fri Jul 18, 2008 11:15 pm

I don't judge, people will adapt to their situation, they have the choice, and people will be accountable for what they do in the end.

I think that's the best way to be....... :D ......i know i've never cheated in my life so i don't know how that feels but i do know it can cause a great deal of heartache......so if folk give each other permission to cheat then at least there's a degree of honesty there.
lol.........'bush' and 'boonies'.....???.......sounds like something from the movie Deliverance....lol............
re movies........i agree that mainstream movies have pushed the boundaries.........all for cash and sensationalism, at the cost of a story sometimes.......if folk want to see sex scenes get a skin flick.......lol...... :wink:

fluffy :lol:
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Postby Happygal » Mon Jul 21, 2008 5:47 am

Exactly! I agree with all of you.
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Postby lammy » Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:53 pm

I'd create my own porn with my HUSBAND and have it put away in a safe were only I know the combo ... :lol: :D Not just anyone is that special to me . :lol:
Bah hum bug!!!!
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