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US Veterans Day

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US Veterans Day

Postby Jimlover1 » Mon Nov 13, 2006 4:33 am

Nov. 11, did anyone out there remember
the veterans and other military personnell
not just here in the us, but all over the world?
I remembered my father and grandfather and
father-in-law whos still alive at age 86 and was
an air force pilot in WW11. He flew B-24s over
England and/or Germany. RIP to the vets who
r gone but not forgotten! I still have not been to
the Vietnam Memorial on the Mall. Oh,well, 1day
Ill go...
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Yes, up here in Canada many government...

Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:52 pm

places are closed on that day.
The news covered it completely up here and there were many gatherings
for it. I even looked at my fathers old discharge papers from the
army and the picture of when he was up in a tree.
I wonder if the uniforms were itchy????
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