feel it break
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feel it breakYou know what the worst feeling in the world is... actually FEELING your heart breaking. this is the speakeasy so i thought i could write on here. Has anyone experienced that. and it doesnt have to be from someone hurting you, but just being lonely besides that. Just feeling really down and wishig someone was there to wrap their arms around you and comfort you. I hate this feeling. i have noone to talk to i hate to bring down the mood, i just needed to say something somewhere. Im so alone, and i see everyone around me so happy and joyful and i wonder why cant that be me, and i always think i am going nowhere. I am never going to amount to nothing, and im never going to get over this. im so tired of tears, and i hope im not bothering anyone by writing this and if i am just delete it. im not fishing for compliments, i dont need that, i just needed to express my emotion somewhere and i thought here would be good. thnx for listening... i dont know what to do.
There is nothing wrong with being sad,or crying.
This day will make you stronger. It is always good to let your sadness out however it is you can. Hope your heart will beat for when it doesn't you are in trouble- Sheer up, everyone has problems and some people are worst of than you. You can express anything you want-we will not look down on you for being human. Bah hum bug!!!!
You can post here...it's just a forum...
I have seen many here going through very strong feelings and I usually don't respond because I'm at a loss for words...So all I can is acknowledge your sadness...it sucks that some have more struggles...hope you find someone/something to love and find your way in life.
I'm sorry, but this sentence pisses me off. Everyone has a right to express themselves and you don't have to be a blind, deaf, quadriplegic dwarf to deserve some understanding. JLD - I know EXACTLY fow you feel and it does suck. Is there someone you could talk to (I mean in person) about your desperation?[/i] "When in doubt, tell the truth."
Mark Twain
Maybe you should go and see a counsellor. You problem is that you seem to not believe that you CAN be happy. You have to force yourself to talk to people, even if you don't want to, you have to FORCE yourself to feel included. Eventually, I swear to you it'll come naturally. People will warm to you. You are letting off a bad feeling, and everyone can sense it, hence why you feel alone and unhappy. You HAVE to break the circle! A lot of your feelings are your own fault. I know it sucks to hear that, but it's true. If you don't join in / talk to people / whatever else, you WILL NOT EVER feel any better. Your heart HAS NOT broken, it just feels like it has. Mend it in your mind, and it will mend in your soul!
This is from someone who felt exactly like you this time last year. You need to help yourself before anyone else can help you. Good luck, and keep in touch with me Muse - 10, 11, 14, 22 & 23 November 2006
Muse - Wembley Stadium - 16 & 17 June 2007 Muse - Royal Albert Hall - 12 April 2008 Muse - 10 November 2009 & 13 November 2009 Muse - 11 September 2010
Because what you have described is acute and you feel physical pain...I'm going to stick to my advice (because you're 16)...that you talk to someone. What about the school counselor?
"When in doubt, tell the truth."
Mark Twain
I had this similar situation with my daughter a little while ago and she is 23 years old.
I have also been there when you feel so down and you don't know what to do or where to turn. I won't tell you what to do, but I can tell you what I did and my daughter did, and that was just GET out of the house or your room and see people. - Just like CableGal said in that you just have to get out there and TALK to people. Whether it is someone in at Target or even the school counselor - just talk to them. I don't know if any of this is helpful, but please just think about it. Please post again - and let us know how you are doing. Ms. Hutch
maybe i should talk to someone, there are more things then just what i had written on here that have been going on with me, and i think it possibly could be depression the signs are there. i was going to talk to somebody, but if ican barely show how i feel to the ones i love, how can i talk to someone else? i dunno... and i know ppl are worse off then me, i know that, i am not trying to selfish like you are making me sound. i cant help the way i feel, i have seen lots of ppl on here showing their emotion and saying what is bothering them, and asking for a little advice, even you lammy, so i dont know why ur making me sound that way. Thanks everyone for your advice, ill attempt to talk to someone agian. Yes i am only 16, but i dont think that means anything. People can start feeling this way from a young age and have ot not change, so i dont think age has everything to do with it really.thank you quirky for your imput and everyone else as well. ill try to take your advice
maybe i should talk to someone, there are more things then just what i had written on here that have been going on with me, and i think it possibly could be depression the signs are there. i was going to talk to somebody, but if ican barely show how i feel to the ones i love, how can i talk to someone else? i dunno... and i know ppl are worse off then me, i know that, i am not trying to selfish like you are making me sound. i cant help the way i feel, i have seen lots of ppl on here showing their emotion and saying what is bothering them, and asking for a little advice, even you lammy, so i dont know why ur making me sound that way. Thanks everyone for your advice, ill attempt to talk to someone agian. Yes i am only 16, but i dont think that means anything. People can start feeling this way from a young age and have ot not change, so i dont think age has everything to do with it really.thank you quirky for your imput and everyone else as well. ill try to take your advice
******* You know sometimes it seems that even the ones who are around us EVERYDAY don't always see what we see. Like you said - you have alot going on, BUT maybe your family can help you with some of that. BUT, this is also a good reason to talk to the school counselor NOW - so you can deal with this better. Ms. Hutch
Yeah, but what if some people don't believe in God?? Wouldn't it better to have faith in one's self? (FYI: I believe in God, but I think it's arrogant and presumptuous to think that *everyone* believes in God. It's a diverse world we live in. Allow for space for differing opinions)
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