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Ashlee Simpson screws up on SNL lol

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Ashlee Simpson screws up on SNL lol

Postby cotton » Wed Oct 27, 2004 3:00 am

I got this from Ebaumsworld.com. It is so funny.

Teen songbird Ashlee Simpson had a microphone malfunction on "Saturday Night Live" (oct 23) last night, scurrying off stage when a production glitch caught her lip-synching the wrong tune.

The pop star, younger sister of singer and TV star Jessica Simpson, sounded great belting out "Pieces of Me" in her first segment on the show. It was the same song that she butchered at August's MTV Music Video Awards, drawing withering reviews for a flat, out of key performance.

But the triumphant moment turned into a debacle when she came out to debut the song "Autobiography" for a second set. But whoever was responsible for piping in a studio-engineered rendition for Simpson to mouth screwed up, playing "Pieces" once again.

The raven-haired beauty hopped around briefly, then slinked off the stage as her hapless band half-heartedly faked away. It didn't take long for critics to vent their rage on Ashlee Simpson's official Web site.

"Finally, you're exposed for the fraud that you are," wrote an E-mail poster named drdrewby minutes after the embarrassing performance. "You have cheated your fans and people who actually thought that you had a lick of talent. You should quit the music business because you are now and always will be a complete and utter joke."

Said CowboyJeff99: "I knew she sounded like crap live, so I was 'wondering' what was going on when her voice sounded just like the radio edit."

When the cast of the live show came out to bid the audience good night, actor Jude Law tried to explain Simpson's slipup.

"What can I say folks, live TV," Law shrugged.

A still-humiliated Simpson apologized to her fans - and blamed her band for playing the wrong song.

Here is her original screw up clip


Here is a remix of it. Hilarious! :lol:

Last edited by cotton on Fri Oct 29, 2004 1:23 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby cotton » Thu Oct 28, 2004 2:08 pm

Well I thought it was funny anyway.
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Postby Unchained » Thu Oct 28, 2004 2:18 pm

Thanks for sharing that cotton. It was funny!
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Postby carreyd away » Fri Oct 29, 2004 12:33 am

I watched it when it happened, it was so awesome! She clearly didn't know what to do, she started hopping around doing some lame-ass dance. Threw down her earpiece and ran off--fade to commercial... I laughed like crazy! She's sooooo "punk rock!"

I know they are "performers" not "rock stars" but lip-synching is just lame. Just show the video instead of attempting to be a "live performer" and let the musicians have their spot. That's my opinion.
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Postby carreypunkrawker » Fri Oct 29, 2004 11:01 pm

yeah i know that's really really bad. I hope SNL never has her on there again. "Oh sorry, my bad played the wrong song" BULLHOCKEY!
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Postby idle kid city » Sun Oct 31, 2004 5:47 am

hahahaha I'm happy this happened. God she's such an ungreatful fake and deserved this. Like that one guy said, now you know the fraud you are or something woo! Ashlee should just leave the stage to her sister.
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Postby carreypunkrawker » Sun Oct 31, 2004 9:38 pm

yeah I know
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Postby 1nikkiey » Mon Nov 01, 2004 6:27 pm

I completely agree, I think the only reason why she is even popular is because of her sister.

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