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Your wildest night out...........????

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Your wildest night out...........????

Postby fluffy » Thu Feb 23, 2006 10:15 pm

ok.........what's been your wildest 'night on the tiles'......i'm not talking about the xxx rated stuff though :wink: ( remembering there are kids present :wink: )......but what's been the most fun you've had on a night out???

i'm gonna abstain for now..........i'm a hermit..........lol

fluffy :lol:
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Postby KC8t80 » Fri Feb 24, 2006 5:52 am

the most fun i had was when i went to florida for a couple of weeks last summer.......me, my best friend and his ex went to a bon fire at the beach.....very festive.......we danced, laughed and before i knew it i ended up walking into a Mc Donalds topless and wearing my shirt as a turbin.
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Postby Anna Chalova » Fri Feb 24, 2006 8:24 am

I have i game in night forest each month, in my march! it is "military" games, with gun and not-real-munnition.
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Postby JT Carrey » Fri Feb 24, 2006 8:42 am

don't think I've really had one, I have to think for a while lol
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Postby MandyCarrey » Fri Feb 24, 2006 3:38 pm

Most of my best evenings include good old booze lol....

The last best nite out ive had was wen me and aload of mates and my ex hoo i still like. :lol: .. all got drunk and went for a walk down the beach... i shouted at a man on a bike.. and wen my ex passed out i gave him a wedgy and nicked his wallett. other thn tht i dnt member much else! lol :oops:

Also an all time classic on a nite out.. i went cruisin dwn the beach with my ex and his mate and we beeped the horn all the way down and there was a bowling green and there was a guy with a neck brace on tht turned his head round to look at us! i kno it sounds wierd but tht was the funniest thing id ever sin and i couldnt stop from laughin! :D
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Postby fluffy » Fri Feb 24, 2006 5:16 pm

This isn't a wild night out example but my friend and i went down to the beach for an ice cream in my car and we were chatting about blokes and singing away to the radio......... by this timel, it got dark and we noticed the car in front was kinda moving.........so we naughtily put on the full beams and all of a sudden about 5 blokes heads shot up.........they must have thought we were the police..........lol......we just sped off laughing , we really didn't expect that............but it was VERY funny........ :wink:

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Re: Your wildest night out...........????

Postby *lion girl* » Fri Feb 24, 2006 5:19 pm

fluffy wrote:ok.........what's been your wildest 'night on the tiles'......i'm not talking about the xxx rated stuff though :wink: ( remembering there are kids present :wink: )......but what's been the most fun you've had on a night out???

i'm gonna abstain for now..........i'm a hermit..........lol

fluffy :lol:

kids?! where?! I can't see any kids here! It may be some teens here but not kids... :lol:
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Postby wonderbunny » Fri Feb 24, 2006 7:13 pm

Well, it wasn't a lot of fun; but its a great story. Someone vandalized my car wires. I was driving on a country road late one night and my car took a life of its own. Panicking, the brakes weren't working. I quicky downshift causing the car to immediately reduce my original 50mph to a speed under ten miles and the car began to smoke, and ignition lights all lit up (Danger Will Robisonson) Remembering an old Jim Carrey Flick "Me, Myself & Irene" I had to jump out of my car! I to remember to roll :wink: I tumbled out of the car and the car rolled over my right foot. Upon reflection, I should have kept my feet up. I landed in the grassy median. I had a broken foot, but the car was totalled. I though the car as going to blow up. OK, well Jim- Thanks for the visual how-to. I never thought I'd be doing that in my life.
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Postby fluffy » Fri Feb 24, 2006 8:10 pm

OMG :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: ..............a bus ran over my dads foot when he was a kid.............lol.....

fluffy :wink:
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Postby carreyd away » Sun Feb 26, 2006 12:35 pm

I am the kind of person if a friend needs help I drop everything and help them. I have a friend who is a celebrity, the weekend his movie came out we all went out clubbing to celebrate his boffo box office opening. We were at some lame hipster Hollywood club on Hollywood Blvd, after a few hours I had enough of all the fake poseur wannabes I left and went back to my hotel room. I got a phone call around 2 AM from my friend who was completely totaled and he asked if I could come move his car and drive him home. I show up at the club in question around 2:45 AM and he's hanging outside being held up by Quentin Tarantino. Elijah Wood walks over to my side and tells me what and how much my friend has had to drink, then hands me the car keys they wrestled from him. Quentin is watching my friend as I move the car to a side street where it would not be ticketed or towed and Quentin poured my friend into the front seat of my car.

My friend is furious and ranting that his wife keeps texting him telling him she's kicking him out, she's had enough of his sh*t and she's done with him, don't bother coming home tonight. I ask him if she's mad at him for partying so much and he explains some tabloid has got her all fired up because they claimed he was having an affair with one of his co-stars on the film he was (then) currently working on. He swears nothing happened but she doesn't believe him (he does have a tendency to wander, I don't know why she's stayed with him as long as she has). We round the corner to his house in Bel Air and see that she has literally thrown every item of clothing and personal belongings of his into the front yard. He is so drunk he just starts laughing. Then I start laughing. He looks at me and says, "What's so funny?" and I say, "You just got paid $10 million for a film, your movie is number one at the box office and your sh*t is all over the front lawn." We both laughed so hard we were crying. He opened the door of my car and fell out, still buckled in the front seat. We were in such hysterics I couldn't get him back upright and unbuckle him. After we got him loose, I asked him if he wanted me to go in the house with him, he said, "Nah, F#@k her" and curled up in his clothing on the front lawn. He told me she got up the next morning and turned on the lawn sprinklers. Happy ending, they made up the next day.

Isn't celebrity life glamorous?
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Postby mav » Sun Feb 26, 2006 2:24 pm

I could hardly contain my giggle. Quentin and Elijah *gulp*
Yeah, celebrities are in the position of like a child who is pampered and allowed to get spoiled. It takes growing up to know where to draw the line.
But your friend still has you as his friend...that makes him ok ...lol:
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Postby fluffy » Sun Feb 26, 2006 2:28 pm

AAhh........he was just being a bloke......getting plastered on a night out with the boys...........the sprinklers were funny though.......lol......i'd probably do that and be standing with a camera for the family album.....lol

fluffy :wink:
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Postby JT Carrey » Mon Feb 27, 2006 7:06 am

very funny
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Postby george » Tue Feb 28, 2006 1:24 am

this new year's eve i didn't go to any party or friend's house or something. i just go with my girlfriend in a solitary beach.it was quiet but nice.we sat on the sand looking the sea and hearing the sounds of the nearby party.
it was kinda romantic and weird and...i don;t know why it was one of my best new year celebrations!
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Postby quirky » Tue Feb 28, 2006 1:29 am

Isn't celebrity life glamorous?

Not always, I suppose, but it's got to be surreal.
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