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Ginger bread without ginger??

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Ginger bread without ginger??

Postby Eskarpin » Wed Nov 30, 2005 8:27 pm

I am trying to obtain the prescription of the ginger bread, but none carries of ingredient ginger Why is called ginger bread? :?
Someone can facilitate me the prescription? :roll:
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Postby Michele Hernandez » Wed Jan 25, 2006 4:02 am

Here is a link it's called the History of Gingerbread, and the recipes do call for ginger. I hope that answers your question!

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Postby Eskarpin » Wed Jan 25, 2006 9:58 pm

Thanks. ..... but as already they passed the Christmas festivals, I will do a ginger breadman for San Valentin :D
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Postby wonderbunny » Thu Jan 26, 2006 1:49 am

Thank you for this topic, I just had a moment of wow, my grandmother from Norway had the best recipe for Gingerbread, and ginger snap cookies. They were wafer thin... ooh. I miss her. She was a cook for a wealthy family when she immigrated to this country. Her cookbook was something else. Coffee or tea was always served on a saucer. Every morsal/meal/snack was a presentation) and she had the most incredible pastries, breads and cookies. She was brilliant!
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