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Stunned by decision 2 have vote during Covid

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Stunned by decision 2 have vote during Covid

Postby Canadian Jayne » Thu Aug 26, 2021 8:44 pm

With about one months notice
Suddenly Canada is having an
Election during COVID
What are some people thinking?
Maybe they’re hoping
People won’t show up cause of low
Voter numbers?
Thus same old same old get in?
Hmmmm I wonder
Maybe they spent too much $ and
Need more time 2 do whatever?

How much time have they taken 2 train
People 2 deal with COVID and voters
We are doing so well with getting shots
Why rock the boat and risk
All that hard work
If we end up with a more serious outbreak
I hope those who thought of having
This election will be accountable
For their actions
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Canadian Jayne
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Joined: Wed Apr 07, 2004 9:47 pm
Location: somewhereoutthere,Ontario, Canada

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