I hope we do take care of our planet earth.
I thought I'd start this, since so may destructive
things are being done to this planet.
On the other side I don't know why Alberta has
been targeted, sure the pipeline is being built
but on the other side of the coin, there are no
leaks(that I know of)similar to those in the gulf,
it seems alot harder(more costly) to shut of valves under the
water than taps on land.
I wonder if someone is trying to divert the attention
from their own backyard on to something controlled?
I do agree that we should find other sustainable fuel
that is more eco-friendly. Reduce what we use.
I wonder who is spending millions to advertise on
this, couldn't the money be spent bringing ahead
more positive than negative in the advancement of
the things we use becoming more eco-friendly.
I'd go back to Alberta to visit, there are still places I want
to see, perhaps someday.