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Yeah for vitamins and supplements

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Yeah for vitamins and supplements

Postby Cheryl Anna » Sun Jun 11, 2006 6:33 pm

Before the year 2000, I only took a multi-vitamin, 15 mg. beta carotene, B-50 vitamins, 400 I. U. vitamin E, and 15 mg. zinc, per day.
Since then. my doctor, for my Cerebellar Ataxia, has increased my daily dose of vitamins to:
300mg. Co Q-10 (which has increased my energy and greatly reduceed fatigue), 25 mg. beta carotene, 25 mg. zinc, 800 i. u. vitamin E, and 25 mg. zinc. I also take a liquid NAC supplement (compounded by a pharmacy and it costs $150.00 for a month's supply) with juice three times a day and Amantadine (to reduce tremors) twice a day.
Since the year 2000, the vitamins and supplements have increased my weight by 19 pounds-I am now 110. I was stuck at 91 lbs. for 15 years before that, and had little energy. I am also 5" 8 1/2"-so I am also very happy and feel stronger.
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Postby quirky » Sun Jun 11, 2006 6:33 pm

That's great news Cheryl!!
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Postby Niobe » Sun Jun 11, 2006 8:33 pm

Wow! I'm glad that did the trick for you Cheryl.

Lot of stuff to take each day though, huh? :shock:
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Postby Cheryl Anna » Mon Jun 12, 2006 12:07 am

Yeah, it's a lot of stuff-but it's worth it.
As long as I take the vitamins with food I don't get a sore stomach.
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