Jim Carrey Online

I hope Jim's okay.

Discuss this movie. In theaters on May 18, 2018
Filming: November 7, 2015 - December 20, 2015

I hope Jim's okay.

Postby tlmarvin » Fri Nov 27, 2015 4:42 pm

Friday, November 27, 2015--9:38 am CST

Morning JCO,

I hope Jim Carrey is okay. I know he's shooting "True Crimes", but he still hasn't Tweeted since October 10, 2015, and his Website is down. So, I hope he's okay. I hope he didn't deactivate his Twitter account. I'm just wondering if he did or not.


Terry Marvin (Dallas, Texas, USA)

P.S. A lot of his fans are worried about Jim Carrey. I'm one of them.
Hope you'll reply to me.
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Re: I hope Jim's okay.

Postby Canadian Jayne » Fri Nov 27, 2015 6:22 pm

I believe sometimes when he's working on a movie
that he won't text or go online since he wants
to stay In character and maybe his character
would not go on JCO
that's just a thought or idea
If he's still on set working on the movie
he must be OK, but still praying for
him, friends and family of CW would be good
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