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How Dumb can one get? Just a little personal experience

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Filming September 24 - November 2013

How Dumb can one get? Just a little personal experience

Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon May 27, 2013 3:38 am

Today I took the grandkids for a nice Sunday
stroller walk

We ended up at a local park and were
about to go down the big slide
Since my grandson is not quite 2 I usually
slide down with him but
the slide was wet, someone had poured
some of a water bottle down it

A child suggested I not go down but
I had my super duper waterproof pants on
and figured "Awe, we'll be OK"
My grandson was hesitant to go down,
that should have been a signal for me

We didn't slide down, we zooooooomed down,
my feet hit flat, I landed face first in wood chips
with big butt in the air.
Thankfully, my grandson landed OK
a little shaken from the fast and furious trip
I look up , my grandson was looking at me
then I realize "hey, im actually hurt"

Blood is trickling down my face
as I realize "I've got a headache"

Someone asks if I'm OK
Of course, I say yes and get up
My daughters were jogging to where
I was, so I text and advise of my "accident"
They jog, past me, I'm hoping they'll have
a little sympathy (maybe take the kids)
they jog past, I guess they figured if I was standing
"Mom's OK"

The Moral of this story:
"Sometimes ya have to listen to Grandkids, they just may have a sixth sense about things"
"Super Duper Waterproof pants are Super Duper slippery!"
"If you want sympathy from your kids, it just might not happen"
"Even Grandma's can do Dumb stuff sometimes" :lloyd:
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Canadian Jayne
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Re: How Dumb can one get? Just a little personal experience

Postby Catherine » Mon May 27, 2013 4:00 am

Omg Canadian Jane that's a good experience u r brave I'm reading this hoping jc will read this and use it in his movie good one , send this to him tweet it he is gonna love it I bet he has done the same or similar thing I know I have different weather conditions snow and it wasn't me who pushed my son down the slipperyslide in winter with his snow pants on with snow on them 3 years old I'm waiting at the other end Dumbo husband pushes him with an extra push even he comes bolting down and my god I'm freaking out , not good myson has a scare scar,on his forehead yup by the time he made it down the slide he had blood in his head , but he does have a big head, always getting hit if nailed or bumped in the head my kids a genius, head as big as einstien my doctor told me, anyways, I hope u r okay are u or did u need stitches''''''''
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Re: How Dumb can one get? Just a little personal experience

Postby EvaAraujo » Mon May 27, 2013 4:58 am

Canadian Jayne: That story is awesome!
And I love that there's a moral to it.
It's actually true! :lol:
I'm a guardian of the spark...
I'm a God damn and proud good fan... and I love it! = )>
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Re: How Dumb can one get? Just a little personal experience

Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon May 27, 2013 2:07 pm

Yes, it is true
I woke up wondering

"What was I thinking?"
"I don't remember my mom going down any slides at my age"
"Maybe it's time to hang up the 'ol slide thingy before it's
too late"

Reminds me of the song "Grandma got runover by a reindeer"
They'd be singing
"Grandmas slid too fast down the sli-de
When I saw her bloody face,I cried
So, if you take you're grandkids to the park
Make sure the ground isn't concrete ,but bark
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Re: How Dumb can one get? Just a little personal experience

Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon May 27, 2013 2:24 pm

I can't be the only one who's had a dumb :lloyd:
moment or to! :lloyd:
Why not share your experience, it's even more funny when its true!
Ohhhh, how I wish there was a camera around at the time.
I could write a book "Things Grandma's n' Granpa's shouldn't do"
I also woke up this morning thinking:
"I wish there wasn't such a thing as "OLD"
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Re: How Dumb can one get? Just a little personal experience

Postby Catherine » Mon May 27, 2013 3:59 pm

Canadian Jane u rock :-) that's why were here, were like the essence of jc all of us , :-). Can't a wait to hear jc and his story,s someday somehow , perhaps he,all share em ay, :oops:
if at all things seem or appear to fail, just remember that 'LOVE WINS"
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Re: How Dumb can one get? Just a little personal experience

Postby Canadian Jayne » Tue May 28, 2013 3:01 pm

I'm sure he has to save somthin
for his memoirs
Don't doubt it will be quite
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