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The Grinch trailer already on TV and in French!!!

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The Grinch trailer already on TV and in French!!!

Postby Andreathebadass » Sun Sep 24, 2000 5:50 am

Ok, it's September 24th at 3am and I've just saw The Grinch trailer on TV in French!!!I can't believe this!The newest scenes have been released like a week ago and half of the stuff they showed was new.I live in Quebec and it looks like Universal Pictures wants to do publicity to the top all around the world!I mean, the movie doesn't open until November 17th!It's crazy!<br>Well, I just had to let this go, it's rather this or I scream.(:<br>The Grinch is without a doubt Jim's most commercial movie.It's amazing!WOUHOU!!!!<br>Can't wait!!!<br><br> <p></p><i></i>

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