How are you all?
I have a question for you regarding the DVD of Dumb & Dumber.
He' the thing, I bought the DVD a couple pf months ago. But I only found the DVD of the Unrated version. I was looking at the extras and I was a bit disappointed that Jim wasn't interview in any of them.
Either way I wanna buy the DVD of Dumb and Dumber (the normal one) because I've seen the list of extras and it seems to me I will find more of Jim in that. So my question to you all is: Is it worth it? I mean what's the main difference in the extra/bonus features department in both of them? Am I right in buying the normal DVD cause there's really more of Jim interviews and other stuff there?
OK. I said one question and I asked 4. Sorry... Lol

Can anyone help me? Plz!
Thank you all