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EG Interview: Jim Carrey

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EG Interview: Jim Carrey

Postby jimliker » Tue Mar 25, 2008 2:07 pm

Q: Had you read Dr Seuss books as a child?
A: "Oh yes, Dr. Seuss books were huge for me. I love them because they are pure creativity. To me Dr. Seuss is like a child's version of punk. It is as cool as you can get and fun. Dr. Seuss will never be unhip. I love the idea of introducing a whole new generation to the stories. The message is so great in this one ? that there are no limitations to what you can do. I also love the idea that 'a person is a person no matter how small'. You shouldn't judge anyone, and the idea of worlds within worlds within worlds."

http://www.thisisnottingham.co.uk/displ ... eId=244911

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