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Bruce almighty reviews ... *SPOILERS ALERT*

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Bruce almighty reviews ... *SPOILERS ALERT*

Postby Jo » Wed Mar 26, 2003 2:04 am

<br>S<br>P<br>O<br>I<br>L<br>E<br>R<br>S.... FROM DARKHORIZONS.COM<br><br><br><br>Hey I thought I would let you know that I was able to see Bruce Almighty last week. My wife said that when she was at the theater they were handing out this flyer for a sneak peek on a movie, but wouldn't say what it was. Well we went down there along with hundreds of others and packed into every seat in a theater in Roseville California. The movie was Bruce Almighty. I was pretty excited to see it afetr seeing trailers for it online. This lady came out and said that the movie is not 100% and that there will be lines and glitches and some special effects that aren't done all the way, but it looked pretty good to me. <br>Jim Carrey was pretty funny in the movie. Its not a hilarious movie but did have its funny parts. Its more of a feel good movie. Not sure what will be cut from this version I saw and the one out this summer but a few scenes were great. One was with these gang members and they picked a fight with Bruce early on then later after he is given "gods powers" he has a little fun with them. He asked them to apologize and the gang leader said he would only if a monkey came out his ass. Well lets just say it did and it was funny as hell. Also the Bruce's rival in the film (from comedy central's "the daily show") was great. There is a scene with the rival on the news and Bruce making him talk like a fool, the scene goes on for long time but its just funny as hell. And of course Jim being Jim is always funny. <br><br>One part stands out when the rival guy at work teases him Jim says " Do you like Jazz music?" then pretends to play a horn instrument with his fingers pretending to press the buttons. and every so often throws out his middle finger in the air... trust me it works and was funny as hell. All in all this will be a big hit for Jim. Jennifer was good in the movie as was Morgan freeman. Morgan even uses an "ace" line and says "alrighty then". Once it comes out I predict people to use one of Jim's lines that he uses a few times... "its good... its goooood" just like in the past with lines from "ace" <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>This is a has a more detailed spoilers .... <br><br><br><br><br><br><br>"Bruce Almighty" - A Review by 'Wanderingsoles'<br><br>First off, I have to say that I am not the biggest Jim Carrey fan. I have chuckled at a few of his films, but never really enjoyed one from beginning to end. That said, I did enjoy "Bruce Almighty". It's a fun movie and it's exactly what you'd expect.<br><br>In "Bruce Almighty", Carrey plays Bruce Nolan, a man who doesn't know how good his life truly is, until he is passed over for a promotion and curses God. It seems God, played by the perfectly cast Morgan Freeman, has a sense of humor and decides to endow Bruce with all of his power. Freeman delivers in a role that was made for him. He is both funny and wise.<br><br>At first, Bruce does what we would all do if given the power of God; get yourself a new sports car and a new wardrobe. This is all quite amusing, but the film really kicks it up a notch when Bruce returns home to his girlfriend, played by Jennifer Aniston, who delivers a truly heart-felt performance. I am constantly amazed at Jennifer's range of emotions that she is able to demonstrate. I truly believe she is one of the most under-rated actresses out there and hope that she starts getting some beefier roles. In the film, she is the loyal, supportive girlfriend (who wants that to change to wife status). She delivers both the comedic goods as well as the dramatic as Bruce loses control and no longer realizes what is truly important to him (their relationship).<br><br>But, before things fall apart, in a scene reminiscent of "Modern Problems", Jim decides to treat his girlfriend to some of his new power. In a scene that is both hilarious (Carrey's performance), and hot (Aniston's performance), Bruce delivers a series of wild orgasms to her through the bathroom door. Seeing Carrey's goofy movements in order to deliver the orgasm to the unsuspecting Aniston as she stood in a different room from where he was, was the second biggest laugh in the film ( I won't divulge the best laugh)... and let's face it, seeing Jennifer affected by the orgasms was pretty hot.<br><br>Soon afterward, Bruce starts hearing layer upon layer of voices and it isn't until a visit from Freeman, that he understands that he can hear everyone's prayers. Now Bruce is faced with actually having to fill God's shoes. At one point, he's so overwhelmed by prayers that he decides to say "yes" to everyone in Buffalo. This results in mayhem, as everyone's prayers are answered, many of which conflict with other people's prayers. It is both funny and sad, and ultimately what gives this comedy a heart.<br><br>Like so many movies these days, it stole material from a few films, including "The Truman Show", and an old Chevy Chase Film "Modern Problems". The difference between this film and others that blatantly steal gags from previous films, is that it works here. This is far from a perfect film, but with Carrey delivering on what he does best, and the great little supporting performances delivered by Aniston and Freeman, the film does manage to both make us laugh and touch us in a small way.<br><br>It didn't hurt that we saw a screening with 50 other people, including Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt, and Jennifer Aniston. Someone please give the girl a nice juicy role, she's sure to hit Oscar gold!<br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Bruce almighty reviews ... *SPOILERS ALERT*

Postby mrsjec17 » Wed Mar 26, 2003 7:31 pm

Sounds great! Thanks so much Jo! May 23rd isn't coming fast enough! <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START >: --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/mad.gif ALT=">:"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> I can't wait any longer! I wish I could see a screening! These people are so lucky! <p></p><i></i>
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i cant wait for this movie!

Postby JimCarreysGal » Wed Mar 26, 2003 9:18 pm

wow now i seriously can not wait for this movie to come out...i counted its 58 days left till.........i cant wait that looong!!! anyways i cant wait to start laughing at this movie...all the things you said made me laugh...just think how much i will laugh when i see the real thing...they might have to kick me out cuz im laughing and screaming so much (the screaming is for well of course cuz we all know...Jim is so SEXY!! he makes you scream) LOL anyways thanks for the update Jo!<br> melissa <p></p><i></i>
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Postby Nevrandil » Tue Apr 01, 2003 3:18 pm

ohh..it´s not fair..i want to see this movie earlier!! 5-6 months of waiting :-C thats too much.. !! <br>Instead of sitting around waiting ..i think I´ll watch the trailer again and again and again..and oh i have some other movies..can watch them too..<br>ohhh *crying*.. somebody here to comfort me?<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :bikerb --><img src=http://jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/biker.gif ALT=":bikerb"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>I came to confess. I was the second gunman on the grassy knoll<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--> Ace <br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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spank you!

Postby JIMMYgeneStRiNgBEAN » Wed Apr 02, 2003 3:02 am

COOL REVIEW!! SPANKS SOOOOO MUCH!!!! that's awesome that u got to go to the screening!!!!<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/smile.gif ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> CAN'T WAIT FOR IT TO come out!!! i have my bruce almighty T-shirt already planned out!!!!!<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/smile.gif ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
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