Hey everyone! I found this poem in my old papers and such. I think I wrote is for something going on at Jim Carrey Online. Anyway, i thought I would share it with everyone:
Carreyed Away
by Mery McNett
Standing on a stage
trying something out of the blue,
a comedian had the guts to show us something new
With outlandish thoughts that stirred in his mind,
he put them to use and became the funniest of all time.
From his rubber body talent poured
and with a big toothy smile,
how could he be ignored?
A star that seemed to rise so quickly and swift,
in fact worked for years perfecting his gift.
An artist whose work is surreal,
with contorsions, dark thoughts and unique perceptions,
his genius cannot be concealed.
But there is a way that he tickles our fancy,
when Ace Ventura is doing a little dancey.
A man just trying to do what he loves,
he fits all his roles just "like a glove".
I for one hope he gets what he deserves,
hopefully the Academy will one day observe.
He wrote the theme of his life in the cement one November day,
and it was more than a whole book could ever try to convey.
Rowing the boat
gently down the stream,
Jim Carrey showed us
that life is but a dream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily...
Life is but a dream.