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Does Jim still...?

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Does Jim still...?

Postby jc_#1fan » Fri Apr 08, 2005 5:17 am

just wondering with the death of the pope, and knowing that Jim grew up catholic, does he still practice? Was wondering if anybody knew. I know there will be celebrities at the funeral.
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Postby FunnyGirl » Sat Apr 09, 2005 5:03 am

I don't think so. I know he mentioned chanting the Rosary to get a bicycle and being raised Catholic on David Letterman, but I read the transcript of 60 Minutes. He says he 'hangs out' with Jesus, Budha, Mohammed, etc. etc... Being a Christian myself, that makes absolutely no sense. Jesus says not to worship the gods of other religions, Mohammed says in the Koran specifically to prevent the 'infidel Christians' from spreading their 'false' religion. Budha and that whole thing revolves around literally thousands of gods, and their goal is to reach the ultimate karma which is nothingness. Now is this contradiction? I think so! Someone should give him a talk on how outrageous this is. I don't know how someone could reasonably argue about this statement, but I can't understand what religion he is! :?: :?: :?: Decide! Beliefs are the most important part of your life. When you die, what will happen? He can't believe all different religions that totally go against each other in their doctrines! He should look into this subject more, seriously.
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Postby asrai » Sat Apr 09, 2005 8:04 am

Wow, this could open a whole can of worms, now can't it? Personally, I love the idea of taking the good from different religions because I believe they all have something to give. It's my opinion that Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, etc all understood there is no 'one' way and that it's human folly which denies the validity of other religions. When it get's down to it, whether you regard many gods, one god, goddesses or trees, the core lesson is to love one another, love yourself and don't hurt each other. The rest is not spirituality, it's dogma.
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Postby mav » Sat Apr 09, 2005 5:54 pm

After hearing Jim say those words, I felt much at ease about our different religions. That religions are our different ways of reaching the same God. And to let his love flow.
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Postby kasper » Sun Apr 10, 2005 2:56 am

i don't know... I don't think he really has a religion, to be honest. He says he prays and talks to God almost every day, but that doesn't mean that your a religion at all. I've never heard him say anywhere that he loved God or Jesus... He did say that his values are spiritual.

He said in an interview with someone, "I've gone multi-denominational and I've studied a lot of different things. Basically, I don't know what God is but I know he's at least an energy that rules all, that walks the earth and I really think there are laws. Maybe they're within ourselves, but I call that God too."
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Postby jims_lost_daughter » Sun Apr 10, 2005 4:40 pm

dont take effense, but i am catholic, and i personally dont care if he is or isnt. Im not even sure what to believe anymore. if he isnt then im almost there with him, and if he is, then congrats, w/e. but it doesnt rele matter to me. he is still the same old Jim. and i love him.
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Postby june brown » Mon Apr 11, 2005 11:49 pm

:o to be honest i grew up in a way similar to Jim can understand where he is coming from, i love his movies but probaly like you would rather speak to him personally,but over the internet it could be a mad nutter down the road. all the millions Jim has made ? in the end you cant take it with you .and whatever your religion we go the same way in the end
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Postby FunnyGirl » Tue Apr 12, 2005 4:14 am

I love him too! He's a great person. I don't know him, I've never met him or anything, but after watching or reading 10,000 interviews, I have a pretty good idea of what he's like. June Brown: I agree with everything you just said except.. I don't understand how people like Hitler can go to heaven. And what about all the murderers, molesters, and terrorists? Different people love different things. One can be criminally insane and love mass murder :shock: , and the next guy loves football..and tv.., and the next guy loves his wife and his family. But you all are forgetting one important part in Mohammed's reign...
He murdered thousands of his own people because he wanted to spread his new religion!! He hurt a lot of people. He didn't love the people he hurt. Read the Koran- it's all there. All the killing speeches. Jim Carrey hangs out with him every day. Read the Bible. Opposite theory- love our enemies. Note the opposites. Why believe only the 'good, happy' part of every religion in order to satisfy yourself? If you decide to believe something, you can't ignore everything else stated by the savior of your belief. That's an insult, in my opinion. Just because you can't tolerate the bad, doesn't mean that you can erase it so that you can live life to the fullest without worries. Many of us can't live up to the fact that the Bible just might be completely true-then we would be guilty. But really, I would love an in-depth conversation with Jim Carrey. Political and religious views- everything that isn't about the weather. :)

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Postby asrai » Tue Apr 12, 2005 7:17 am

I haven't read the Koran so can't say for sure but it's my understanding that killing is not the word of that book, rather tolerance and love. It wouldn't surprise me if it were full of contradictions though. It seems impossible to take the Bible word for word because one chapter will say one thing and another will say the opposite. Then again, I haven't read the bible either so I guess I should just shut up!

I think that's why it doesn't seem strange to me to take pieces from different religions because there are so many factions to them all with many contradictions. It seem you can just take the parts that ring true for you.
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Postby Filomena » Tue Apr 12, 2005 12:58 pm

Good for you, Funny Girl, for asking questions and thinking about all facets of religion.

Personally, I'm at a point where I am questioning everything I've been taught. I was born and raised a Catholic, and to be honest, I'm not comfortable with it anymore. I'm not comfortable with anything that tells me we are all sinners, or that some people are better than other people bc they follow the rules of the Church.

After thinking about my own faith for a while now, I've come to believe there is no evil, there is only sickness of human mind.

There is no hell. That is just a man-made creation to justify religion.

Who wrote the Bible? People who use stories to teach people about good versus evil.

Does God love you more if you are good? If you are a parent, do you not love all your children equally? Do you not feel pain if one of your children falls off the way side? Do you not want happiness for ALL of your children?

God loves us all equally. It doesn't matter if you're Mother Teresa, Pope John Paul the Second, Ghandi, Hitler, or Attila the Hun. We're all on a journey, and when we die, it's just going to continue in a different way. But we all end up in the same place.

Hope I didn't offend anyone. But I think it's great to discuss issues like this. I'm not a believer in "blind faith" anymore.

Always ask questions! Always challenge people who think they know it all.

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Postby FunnyGirl » Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:17 pm

Asrai: ... :) No. It's ok. You don't have to shut up.

Filomena: I personally disagree with many practices of the Catholic church and understand where you're coming from. But have you ever lied or cheating. That=sin=all sinners. But that last thing you said.. No one is better than anyone else. That's something the Catholics made up. You remember how Catholicism started? After thousands of Christians were fed to the lions, Emperor Constantine (probably lied) and said he saw a vision of the cross, therefore making Christianity forced into the churches. He most likely just wanted the Christians to stop arguing with the emperor's ideals. When Christianity was forced into the temples, regular Roman citizens wanted to paganize it like their old gods, and out of instinct made statues of Mary and Jesus which the worshipped. Of course, if they had read the Bible that would be totally wrong. Then they started worshipping saints, as well as Mary. And sooner or later they were chanting rosaries and dabbling with the occult. This was all wrong, according to their religion.
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Postby asrai » Thu Apr 14, 2005 2:40 am

Thanks FunnyGirl!

It's my understanding that when Christianity was just taking over, it was created to mimic the pagan religions that the people were used to following so they would offer little resistance. Most of the the holidays we celebrate today are really variations on the old pagan ways, including Christmas, Easter and Halloween.
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Postby quirky » Thu Apr 14, 2005 6:19 am

I don't believe any religion is evil or wrong...but I do believe there is evil in the world.

There's a difference between religion, faith, and spirituality.

I have faith that there is a God, and consider myself a spiritual person...but I don't subscribe to any particular religion.

I wouldn't presume to say that any religion is "wrong". It's called "faith" not "certainty"...and anyone who has "certainty" is incapable of typing on a keyboard.

My personal outlook, (I was raised in the Lutheran Church) is that most major religions are connected. A long time ago they became disconnected and now no one seems to have the plug adaptors.
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Wow, I like it!

Postby Canadian Jayne » Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:42 pm

This is a great conversation, keep going, I want to hear more. :D
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Postby mav » Thu Apr 14, 2005 11:43 pm

My Theory ( Condensed Version :) )

God (love, beaty, truth, perfection, constant, super-soul etc)
Creatures (man, animals, angels, asuras etc having body, spirit, ego, intellect etc. living on earth, hell, other planets(?) etc)
Nature (action-reaction, karma, good-evil, birth-death cycle etc)

Nature controls Creatures. I dont think God interferes with Nature for our sake. (since I think it this were true, Jesus, a favourite child, wouldn't have suffered). But God loves us without question.

How does one break free of Nature and reach God? By following rules, following teachings of the great ones.

My big question at this point is - What will I get by reaching God? Love? Thats great. But sometimes I really prefer chocolate icecream. See you again in next life! Yuummm...
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