Jimcarrey#1fan23 wrote:I don't think illuminati is even real,because the people who call people that just like to look way too deep into things and make them seem sinister.
Not so sure about that! People are saying that illuminati killed 2Pac and Michael Jackson because they are only one who confort them.....Michael suppose to preforme big comeback tour where he should "reveal everything" BUT suddenly he died 2 weeks before concert. 2Pac made song called "Killuminati" refer to Kill + Illuminati he died after that.
Rihhana and Jay-Z made couple of song in which they clearly are pointing Illuminati symbols
theit symbol is something like this...

clasic illuminati symbol LADY GAGA

Dont know but 2pac said and reveald that they are controlling everything "powerful organization" who wanted to rule the world.....they killed him off because he talk too much.
Heath Leager famous actor who played Joker in The Dark Knight, his last movie is full of illuminati
in the movie first scene with him he is hanging like he killed himself with a famous symbol on his forehed a triangle with eye

also in the movie we see tarot card which represent "Traitor" something referd that Heath is going to die "accidently"...he didnt even live to wrap this movie.His death is concluded as a accident...
Famous singer Whitney Houston is sacrifed because they wanted to make room for Blue Ivy Carter.
Also Lady Gaga in her's video Born This Way there's that goat head-shaped star formation.
Michael Jackson in his song "Dont Care about us" on 1:06 behind him is symbol "Eye" which refer to Illuminati, but he exit couple of years later and he held a speech about them, half year later he died.When his sister LaToya was guesting on Piers Morgan, he ask her waht she think about this situation with Michael, she said "They Killed Him." He asked her "Who are they?" but she didnt respond with scared look.Probably because they would kill her like her's brother who confromt them.
Very powerful people are there, and a whole thing that we dont know about, they cover media, music industry, hollywood........They are everywhere