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Does Jim Carrey Have ADHD?
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Hi Karen,Just getting ready to hit the sack its late here but after I put my son to bed its my time to stay up late and play around.I know exactly what you mean about the labels.Seems my son has had them all from well meaning people trying to be politicly correct to complete morons.I dont subscribe to any labels and knock them off as soon as someone tries to put them on him.Hes a child first with an amazing mind and personality.His medical challenges are just something he lives with not who he is.So I get what your saying completly.Dont condom yourself for being open its a wonderful trait.Dont lose that its special.We all start out like that then learn as life goes on to put on masks.Having that openess is a great thing in my book.My son has it and always will being so innocent like he is.I love it.I hope you continue to nurture your sons interests and talents I think its one of the best thing we can do for our children even if they arent our dreams for our kids.I encourage my son in anything that he seems interested in and try to learn about it and get involved.I dont know the first thing about Jim Carrey personal life or interviews or quotes to be honest other then his movies and one interview I saw.I always liked them alot but Eternal Sunshine was what won me over.I would like to see him in more dramatic roles.Love his work to be able to make people laugh like that is a gift and hes so believable.But I was just saying my opinion is all.Im not a person who watches much tv and when we do its usually something on pbs or bbc not always though.So I guess I miss alot about whats happening,haha.I will share a bit with you that happened along time ago.From the day my son was born I began telling him stories and reading to him every day.Im a passionate reader.He never could focus on anything during these times but harry potter the book came out and after getting tired of hearing the fuss I bought one.From the first chapter he was enthralled.He sat barley blinking and we read till the sun came up.Every potter book its the same.Now he loves being read to and will ask me to read anything at all,even my seed catelogs hahaha.It was the thing that caught his attention and kept it and I am so happy j.k.rowling exists.I cant bear to think of what would have happened without that first book of hers.Now he can focus like most any kid but he needs certain ammendments made to somethings.Like eating at the table he has to have a chair with arms to feel secure enough to sit still,doing puzzles he needs nothing else on the table or its a distraction,etc.Well Im off to bed stay sweet Karen.
What I spent is gone what I kept is lost but what I gave away will be mine forever [author unknown]
You are fortunate in the US...to have this testing done in the schools, as children get older they seem to not want to test them, I have been told, funding is not available for testing, it will be a long time for him to be tested, go to you're family doctor (getting doctors is pretting tough in Ontario, especially when you've just moved) So many excuses. Still no testing. Then you wonder, will they just medicate them just to put them under the rug?? As you said "Apple"
My opinion is: In Canada we're a little behind.
I test them for ADHD in school...........
![]() and some kids do great on Ritalin...........but yes, i'm afraid some do badly too... ![]() fluffy ![]() Fluffy
I have my suspicion about that he has ADHD. Funny that other have had that suspicion too
![]() "Here I come to 'seize' the day!"
you know it doesn't really matter if he has, or hasn't got ADHD.........he's still a brilliant performer and a very clever man.........
so if he has, it hasn't prevented him from shining.......... in fact it may have motivated him even more............. ![]() fluffy ![]() Fluffy
Hey, being a person with ADHD... I wouldn't find anything wrong with anyone having ADHD.. and that includes our Wonderful, Lovely, amazing Jim Carrey
Karen ![]()
Any desease you ae born with is not fun--
![]() He is okay... he is just fine...maybe mistunderstood and I suffer from being misunderstood and that is a desease that others have for me. He should be thankful that he was born. And I know the rest of his 50 years of living will be one that he will enjoy...I send him my love if that is all I can give..God bless his soul- Bah hum bug!!!!
lammy... Who has a desease?.. It sounds like, whoever you are talking about, is in a bad way... ADHD is NOT a desease, it's a Disorder lol And I have ADHD.. What about My Soul? LOL Hugs and stuff to All you Jim Carrey fans... Isn't HE just Fabulous!!!! Karen ![]()
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