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Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Question. If you have a question about Jim Carrey,
please look in our FAQs index first. If you couldn't find an answer to your question
there, then contact us.
- What is Jim’s full given name?
- Did Jim have a nick-name?
- What is Jim's birthday?
- Where is Jim's birthplace?
- What is Jim's height?
- What is Jim's weight?
- What is Jim's shoe size?
- Who are Jim's parents?
- Does Jim have siblings?
- To whom has Jim been married?
- Does Jim have any kids?
- Where has Jim gone to school?
- What has Jim got for education?
- Does Jim have an E-mail?
- Does Jim surf Jim Carrey Online?
- What is Jim's address, telephone number, etc?
- What is Jim's favorite color?
- What is Jim's favorite food?
- What is Jim's favorite cartoon character?
- What is Jim's favorite music?
- What is Jim's current salary?
- Does Jim have a production company?
- Who are Jim's biggest influences?
- What was the year of Jim's first stand-up performance?
- When did Jim first open for Rodney Dangerfield?
- What was Jim's first film?
- Can I get "Jim Carrey: The Un-Natural Act" on DVD?
- Had Jim done a drama before "The Truman Show"?
- Are Jim's films appropriate for younger children?
- Has Jim ever done a porno flick?
- What about those cartoons based on Jim's popular film characters?
- What about other stuff Jim's done?
- What charities/benefits does Jim endorse and help out?
- Has anyone at JCO actually met Jim?
- What's Jim like in real life?
- Where do I write fan mail to Jim?
- What films has Jim appeared in?
- What songs has Jim sung?
- What awards has Jim won?
- Do you have an address that I can write to Jim Carrey at? Does he answer his fan mail?
- What do you like about that guy anyway? (What's the appeal?)
- What was it like to work with Jim Carrey on "The Mask"?
- Did Jim Carrey leave his wife after "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective" came out? Did he dump his marriage when Lady Fortune came calling?
- What's the story on those cartoons that star Carrey characters?
- Does Carrey favor any charities or stuff like that? Does he do benefits?
- What is Jim Carrey's favorite color? What is his favorite food?
- Has anyone in ever actually met Jim Carrey?
- Is that actually Gavin MacLeod in "Ace Ventura"?
- Are Carrey's films appropriate for children?
- Is Carrey a real madman in 'real life'? What's he like?
- Money, money, blah, blah. Is it true that Carrey is now making more money than any one else in movies? How come? Is he worth it?
- What other movies has Jim Carrey done? Anything embarrassing from his early career?
- Is Jim Carrey planning on doing 'dumb' movies for the rest of his career?
- Has Jim Carrey ever done a porno flick?
- Is Jim Carrey a Songwriter? What's the story on that?
- How tall is Jim Carrey?
- Why did Jim become a U.S. citizen?
- Is "Pecan Pie" a movie?
- When will Jim be on TV next?
- Will Jim be visiting my city/country any time soon?