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Venice Filmfestival
By Paola Ferrante
Dearest JCO surfers, you won't believe what I'm going to tell you! I just can't realize how happened what happened! I went to Venice, at the Film Festival, together with my sister Giovanna and... we saw Jim, we photographed him, we met him, we asked him two autographs, we told him we had been running a web site dedicated to him, we thanked him for coming to Italy, we hugged him, we even kissed him!!! And, that's really unbelievable, my sister interviewed him during the press conference!!! He's so gentle, and humble, and he's so kind and so handsome.
I went to Venice on the 5th of September morning. It was an awful day. There was a nasty weather, stormy and windy. Nobody could tell me if Jim was already in Venice or not... and the only thing I could do was to buy a ticket for "The Truman Show" premiere that was on the day after.

Jim arrived at about 11 a.m., together with Linda, and probably (I don't know her) together with his hairdresser, Paulina. People could see the boat arriving in the small harbor of the hotel from a terrace located outside the hotel, on the street. Instead photographers could wait for Jim just where he arrived with the boat. The access was denied to fans, and only people with a special pass could wait there. There was a locked gate and a little road that led to the harbor where Jim's boat was going to moor. Unfortunately there was a security man outside the gate... but as soon as he turned his head on the opposite direction Giovanna jumped over the gate and ran towards the harbor. Once reached that place, she was 'safe' because she was surrounded by so many photographers that no security guy could see her. Unfortunately when I tried to do the same thing, a security guard saw me, so I had to see Jim from the terrace. So I saw and photographed him when he arrived.
He stopped for a while with some journalists, then he entered in the hotel. Giovanna was able to approach Jim; she hugged him and also kissed him. She asked him to autograph her ticket and if it was possible to have a pic together with him. He said there was no problem. He hugged her, he smiled and posed for the pic, but the guy who took the pic didn't press the button, so he didn't take the photo. As soon as Giovanna realized it, she asked Jim to pose again... and he did it. He was very very nice and sweet. Then Giņ thanked him for coming to Italy and she told him that together with me she had been running a Fan Site dedicated to him. He was very happy to know that Italian people loved him... and he seemed a bit surprised to know that even in Italy there were a Fan Site dedicated to him. Anyway, after that he entered in the hotel, and so did my sister.

Anyway, I attended the conference and then we tried to follow Jim when he posed together with Peter Weir for some photos. I was able to reach Jim and I said hi to him and I pinched his cheek. He really is a rubber-faced guy! He smiled to me and said "Hi!"
After his photo session, my sister rushed up to him again and asked him to autograph a pic. As there were a lot of people, Giovanna was pushed and pressed and so Jim. Jim was very worried, in fact he told her it was safer not to stop to sign the autograph: "We'll both get crushed!" he said. As she insisted, Jim wasn't able to say no and signed the photo. You can't imagine how kind he is.

I went to the premiere. At 0.30 a.m. Jim arrived dressed in a blue suit. Jim spent a lot of time waving and shaking hands of all the people who stayed in line behind the barriers near the catwalk. He arrived at the premiere together with Linda.
Regarding "Truman"... It's so beautiful and Jim's superb. He really deserves an award. Everybody after seeing "Truman" said that if the film had been in competition, it would have won the Gold Lion and Jim would have won the award, Coppa Volpi. All the Italian newspapers wrote that Jim was bravo, fabulous. Everyone clapped and cheered after the projection for more then 8/9 minutes. I was so happy. While everybody was applauding, Giovanna approached Jim again and gave him a letter where she thanked him for being so nice with her.
The day after we decided to go to the airport. I didn't know if Jim had already left Venice or not. Anyway, I saw some photographers and I asked them about Jim. They said he would leave Venice at about 1 p.m. I waited from 10 a.m. since 1.20 p.m. ... when I saw him coming on a boat, with sunglasses and his hair combed with grease. He was so beautiful. Jim and Linda bought a lot of things in Venice. Jim bought Tods' shoes and Hogan's shoes. He also bought about 10 lamps of Murano's glass. I saw all his luggage at the airport. I said goodbye to him when he entered in the restricted area.
Well, that's all. We were lucky, but if he wasn't so gentle we wouldn't be able to talk to him and to photograph him.
Thank you again, sweet Jim.