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12 august 2020
目下、ホラー映画「アレスター アーケイン」ALEISTER ARCANE に主演する企画が出ていますが、子供たちが大勢登場するようなので、久しぶりにジムの大熱演、真骨頂発揮が見れそうです。期待しましょう。
At present, there is a plan to star in the horror movie "Alester ARCANE", but it seems that a lot of children will appear, so it seems that Jim's great performance and real performance can be seen after a long time. Let's expect.
Jim Carrey, Horror Movie 'Aleister Arcane'
Re: Jim Carrey, Horror Movie 'Aleister Arcane'
Vukadinovich is behind the celebrated Black List script The Secret Ingredients Of Rocket Cola and The Three Misfortunes of Geppetto. Currently, he is also writing Viewmaster for Mattel and Paramount Pictures with James Wan attached to direct, and Aliester Arcane for New Republic Pictures with Jim Carrey starring and attached to produce.
source: May 10, 2022 9:45am / Deadline ... 235019909/
source: May 10, 2022 9:45am / Deadline ... 235019909/
Re: Jim Carrey, Horror Movie 'Aleister Arcane'
Thats great, hope it can happen. It has been in development since 2016 now. 

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